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{"id":148,"date":"2020-03-14T14:04:03","date_gmt":"2020-03-14T12:04:03","guid":{"rendered":"http:\/\/www.roboptics.ch\/?page_id=148"},"modified":"2023-04-22T23:47:03","modified_gmt":"2023-04-22T21:47:03","slug":"publications-jdd-plus","status":"publish","type":"page","link":"https:\/\/www.roboptics.ch\/publications-jdd-plus\/","title":{"rendered":"Publications J.-D. Dessimoz et al. Plus"},"content":{"rendered":"\n

Content – Contenu:<\/em><\/b><\/h2>\n\n\n\n

News and More<\/a> – Nouvelles et Plus<\/em>
Articles, books – livres<\/em>, conferences, posters, interviews, in chronological order<\/a>
Some extracts from the list of diploma, masters, internship and other project reports<\/a>
Selected websites<\/a> – Quelques sites web<\/em><\/p>\n\n\n\n



News and More – Nouvelles et<\/em> Plus<\/em><\/h2>\n\n\n\n

News – 22.04.2022. <\/h3>\n\n\n\n

April 22, 2022. Dear reader, here is my most recent updated list of publications.<\/p>\n\n\n\n

22 avril 2022. Cher lecteur, voici ma mise \u00e0 jour de la liste des publications la plus r\u00e9cente.<\/p>\n\n\n\n

News – 14.03.2020.<\/h3>\n\n\n\n

14 March 2020. Dear reader, my publications have been listed for many years on the  lara.populus.ch<\/a> website; from now on, this current page, https:\/\/www.roboptics.ch\/publications-jdd-plus\/<\/a> , appears a better solution, keeping the line already announced in the previous news (October 14, 2018). Jean-Daniel Dessimoz<\/p>\n\n\n\n

14 mars 2020. Cher lecteur, mes publications sont r\u00e9pertori\u00e9es depuis de nombreuses ann\u00e9es sur le site   lara.populus.ch<\/a> ; d\u00e9sormais, cette page actuelle, https:\/\/www.roboptics.ch\/publications-jdd-plus\/<\/a> , appara\u00eet comme une meilleure solution, en conservant la ligne d\u00e9j\u00e0 annonc\u00e9e dans la pr\u00e9c\u00e9dente actualit\u00e9 (14 octobre 2018). Jean-Daniel Dessimoz,<\/p>\n\n\n\n

News – 14.10.2018.<\/h3>\n\n\n\n

14 octobre 2018. Cher(e) lecteur, ayant atteint mes 65 ans, voil\u00e0 6 mois que je suis retrait\u00e9 de l HEIG-VD! Merci pour ce que nous avons d\u00e9j\u00e0 pu faire ensemble jusqu’ici.<\/p>\n\n\n\n

D\u00e9sormais, au gr\u00e9 de mes envies, je me propose encore de maintenir voire m\u00eame d\u00e9velopper quelques \u00e9l\u00e9ments de ce site web (lara.populus.ch<\/a>); mais qu’il soit bien clair que ceci ne se fait plus au nom de la HEIG-VD mais bien sous ma responsabilit\u00e9 propre.<\/p>\n\n\n\n

Pour ce qui concerne la p\u00e9riode d’avant avril 2018, ce site web (lara.populus.ch) constitue sans doute toujours une bonne contribution aux archives du LaRA. Par contre pour tenter de trouver une continuit\u00e9, apr\u00e8s cette date, de la vue officielle du laboratoire de robotique, \u00e0 la HEIG-VD, vous devriez sans doute cliquer sur les liens officiels correspondants, \u00e0 commencer par la HES-SO.<\/p>\n\n\n\n

Des mises-\u00e0-jour sont notamment faites \u00e0 la rubrique \u00ab\u00a0publications\u00a0\u00bb. Jean-Daniel Dessimoz<\/p>\n\n\n\n

List of major LaRA publications, and More<\/strong> <\/strong>– et Plu<\/strong>s<\/em><\/h3>\n\n\n\n

The materials contained and directly related to this site have been included by the contributing authors to ensure the timely dissemination of scientific and technical work on a non-commercial basis. Copyright and all related rights are retained by the authors or other copyright holders, although they have offered their work here in electronic form. It is understood that all persons copying this information will abide by the conditions and constraints invoked by each author’s copyright. These works may not be reproduced without the express permission of the copyright holder.<\/p>\n\n\n\n

Les documents contenus et directement li\u00e9s \u00e0 ce site ont \u00e9t\u00e9 inclus par les auteurs qui y ont contribu\u00e9 afin d’assurer une diffusion rapide des travaux scientifiques et techniques sur une base non commerciale. Les droits d’auteur et tous les droits y aff\u00e9rents sont conserv\u00e9s par les auteurs ou par d’autres d\u00e9tenteurs de droits d’auteur, bien qu’ils aient propos\u00e9 leurs travaux ici sous forme \u00e9lectronique. Il est entendu que toutes les personnes qui copient ces informations respecteront les conditions et les contraintes invoqu\u00e9es par le droit d’auteur de chaque auteur. Ces \u0153uvres ne peuvent \u00eatre reproduites sans l’autorisation explicite du d\u00e9tenteur du droit d’auteur<\/em>.<\/p>\n\n\n\n

HES-SO \/\/ Haute Ecole Sp\u00e9cialis\u00e9e de Suisse Occidentale \/\/ <\/em>Western Switzerland University of Applied Sciences;
CH-1400 Yverdon-les-Bains, Suisse \/\/ Switzerland.<\/p>\n\n\n\n

HEIG-VD<\/em> \/\/ Haute Ecole d\u2019Ing\u00e9nierie et de Gestion du Canton de Vaud<\/em> \/\/ School of Business and Engineering \/\/ formerly – pr\u00e9c\u00e9demment<\/em> EIVD;<\/p>\n\n\n\n

LaRA-iAi \/\/ Laboratoire de Robotique et Automatisation, rattach\u00e9 \u00e0 l’institut d’Autoimatisation industrielle <\/em>\/\/ Lab of Robotics and Automation, part of the institute of industrial Automation<\/p>\n\n\n\n



Articles, books, conferences, posters, interviews, in chronological order<\/h2>\n\n\n\n

Dessimoz, Jean-Daniel, Une centaine de r\u00e9ponses \u00e0 des questions relevant notamment de la vie, de la cognition, de la cognitique, de l’IA, de l’intelligence artificielle, des sciences cognitives, de la robotique, de la philosophie, de la science, des religions et de la politique, d\u00e8s le 19 janvier 2023 et jusqu’au 22 avril 2023 et peut-\u00eatre plus, Plateforme Quora fran\u00e7ais, Californie, USA, dernier acc\u00e8s le 22 avril 2023; https:\/\/fr.quora.com\/profile\/JDD<\/a><\/p>\n\n\n\n

Alyssa Garcia, \u00abL’humain aura toujours la mai\u0302trise sur l’intelligence artificielle\u00bb, yc interview Jean-Daniel Dessimoz, News sans bla-bla, site d’information Watson, 30 mars 2023 , <\/a>Cliquer ici pour acc\u00e9der \u00e0 l’article<\/a> , dernier acc\u00e8s le 30 mars 2023.<\/p>\n\n\n\n

Dessimoz, Jean-Daniel, Reflections on the book about time \u00ab Le facteur temps ne sonne jamais deux fois, Etienne Klein, Flammarion, 2009 \u00bb, Roboptics Editions Llc, Cheseaux-Nor\u00e9az, Suisse, 27 pp., 17 April 2022; click here<\/a> to download the document in pdf format<\/p>\n\n\n\n

Dessimoz, Jean-Daniel, R\u00e9flexions sur le livre \u00e0 propos du temps \u00ab Le facteur temps ne sonne jamais deux fois, Etienne Klein, Flammarion, 2009 \u00bb, Roboptics Editions S\u00e0rl, Cheseaux-Nor\u00e9az, Suisse, 29 pp., 31 mars 2022; cliquer ici<\/a> pour t\u00e9l\u00e9charger le document en format pdf.<\/p>\n\n\n\n

Dessimoz, Jean-Daniel, \u00abCognition and Cognitics – Cognition, natural and machine-based\u00bb, Website, Principles of Life and Elements of Wisdom Series, Roboptics Editions llc, Cheseaux-Noreaz, Switzerland ; click here<\/a> to access the website: https:\/\/cognition.roboptics.ch\/<\/a> , last accessed 23 Nov. 2021 ( demonstrations page)<\/p>\n\n\n\n

Dessimoz, Jean-Daniel, \u00abCognition et Cognitique – Cognition, naturelle et bas\u00e9e sur des machines\u00bb, Site web de la s\u00e9rie Principes de vie et \u00e9l\u00e9ments de sagesse, Roboptics Editions S\u00e0rl, Cheseaux-Nor\u00e9az, Suisse, ; cliquer ici <\/a>pour acc\u00e9der au site web: https:\/\/ai-ia.roboptics.ch\/<\/a> , acc\u00e8s et mise-\u00e0-jour du 23 nov. 2021 (page d\u00e9monstrations)<\/p>\n\n\n\n

Dessimoz, Jean-Daniel, \u00abLocal trade of energy versus entropy \u2013 Dynamics\u00bb, Poster of Principles of Life and Elements of Wisdom Series, Roboptics Editions llc, Cheseaux-Noreaz, Switzerland, June 24, 2021 ; click here<\/a> to download the document in pdf format<\/p>\n\n\n\n

Dessimoz, Jean-Daniel, \u00ab\u00c9change local d\u2019\u00e9nergie contre entropie \u2013 Dynamique\u00bb, Poster de la s\u00e9rie Principes de vie et \u00e9l\u00e9ments de sagesse, Roboptics Editions S\u00e0rl, Cheseaux-Nor\u00e9az, Suisse, 24 juin 2021 ; cliquer ici<\/a> pour t\u00e9l\u00e9charger le document en format pdf<\/p>\n\n\n\n

Dessimoz, Jean-Daniel, \u00abCognition \u2013 L\u2019art de la commande \u2013 et concepts li\u00e9s (agilit\u00e9, hi\u00e9rarchie, autonomie, coordination)\u00bb, Poster de la s\u00e9rie Principes de vie et \u00e9l\u00e9ments de sagesse, Roboptics Editions S\u00e0rl, Cheseaux-Nor\u00e9az, Suisse, 11 avril 2021 ; cliquer ici<\/a> pour t\u00e9l\u00e9charger le document en format pdf (env. 353 Ko).<\/p>\n\n\n\n

Dessimoz, Jean-Daniel, \u00abCognition \u2013 Mod\u00e9lisation basique du Temps et concepts li\u00e9s (vitesse, permanence, changement)\u00bb, Poster de la s\u00e9rie Principes de vie et \u00e9l\u00e9ments de sagesse, Roboptics Editions S\u00e0rl, Cheseaux-Nor\u00e9az, Suisse, 10 avril 2021 ; cliquer ici <\/a>pour t\u00e9l\u00e9charger le document en format pdf (env. 1.23 Mo).<\/p>\n\n\n\n

Dessimoz, Jean-Daniel, \u00abCognition \u2013 Basic Modelling of Time and Speed, Permanence and Change\u00bb, Poster of Principles of Life and Elements of Wisdom Series, Roboptics Editions llc, Cheseaux-Noreaz, Switzerland, April 10, 2021 ; click here<\/a> to download the document in pdf format (ca. 1.3 Mb, formerly 021.03.21).<\/p>\n\n\n\n

Dessimoz, Jean-Daniel, \u00abCognition \u2013 The art of Control\u00bb, Poster of Principles of Life and Elements of Wisdom Series, Roboptics Editions llc, Cheseaux-Noreaz, Switzerland, March 22, 2021 ; click here<\/a> to download the document in pdf format (ca. 165 Kb).<\/p>\n\n\n\n

Dessimoz, Jean-Daniel, \u00abTemps et Vitesse, Permanence et Changement\u00bb, Poster de la s\u00e9rie Principes de vie et \u00e9l\u00e9ments de sagesse, Roboptics Editions S\u00e0rl, Cheseaux-Nor\u00e9az, Suisse, 23 mars 2021 (v. pr\u00e9c.: 019.05.10) ; cliquer ici pour t\u00e9l\u00e9charger le document<\/a> en format pdf (env. 1.23 Mo).<\/p>\n\n\n\n

Dessimoz, Jean-Daniel, \u00abCognition \u2013 Basic Modelling of Time and Speed, Permanence and Change\u00bb, Poster of Principles of Life and Elements of Wisdom Series, Roboptics Editions llc, Cheseaux-Noreaz, Switzerland, March 21, 2021 ; click here to download the document<\/a> in pdf format (updated 021.04.10, ca. 1.3 Mb).<\/p>\n\n\n\n

Dessimoz, Jean-Daniel, \u00abCognition – Basic Modelling of Collective\u00bb, Poster of  Principles of Life and Elements of Wisdom Series<\/span>, Roboptics Editions llc, Cheseaux-Noreaz, Switzerland, March 3, 2021 ; click here<\/a> to download the document in pdf format  (ca. 2.1 Mb).<\/p>\n\n\n\n

Dessimoz, Jean-Daniel, \u00abCognition – Mod\u00e9lisation basique du collectif\u00bb, Poster de la s\u00e9rie  Principes de vie et \u00e9l\u00e9ments de sagesse<\/span>, Roboptics Editions S\u00e0rl, Cheseaux-Nor\u00e9az, Suisse, 3 mars 2021 ; cliquer ici<\/a> pour t\u00e9l\u00e9charger le document en format pdf (env. 2 Mo).<\/p>\n\n\n\n

Dessimoz, Jean-Daniel, \u00abCognition – Basic Modelling of Values\u00bb, Poster of  Principles of Life and Elements of Wisdom Series<\/span>, Roboptics Editions llc, Cheseaux-Noreaz, Switzerland, March 2, 2021 ; click here<\/a> to download the document in pdf format  (updated on April 21, 2021; ca. 1.6 Mb).<\/p>\n\n\n\n

Dessimoz, Jean-Daniel, \u00abCognition – Mod\u00e9lisation basique des valeurs\u00bb, Poster de la s\u00e9rie  Principes de vie et \u00e9l\u00e9ments de sagesse<\/span>, Roboptics Editions S\u00e0rl, Cheseaux-Nor\u00e9az, Suisse, 2 mars 2021 ; cliquer ici<\/a> pour t\u00e9l\u00e9charger le document en format pdf (mis \u00e0 jour le 21 avril 2021, env. 1.6 Mo).<\/p>\n\n\n\n

Dessimoz, Jean-Daniel, \u00abCognition – Basic Modelling of Imaginary\u00bb, Poster of  Principles of Life and Elements of Wisdom Series<\/span>, Roboptics Editions llc, Cheseaux-Noreaz, Switzerland, February 28, 2021 ; click here<\/a> to download the document in pdf format  (upd. March 4, 2021; ca. 618 Kb).<\/p>\n\n\n\n

Dessimoz, Jean-Daniel, \u00abCognition – Mod\u00e9lisation basique de l’imaginaire\u00bb, Poster de la s\u00e9rie  Principes de vie et \u00e9l\u00e9ments de sagesse<\/span>, Roboptics Editions S\u00e0rl, Cheseaux-Nor\u00e9az, Suisse, 28 f\u00e9vrier 2021 ; cliquer ici<\/a> pour t\u00e9l\u00e9charger le document en format pdf (m\u00e0j. 4 mars 2021; env. 519 Ko).<\/p>\n\n\n\n

Dessimoz, Jean-Daniel, \u00abCognition – Basic Modelling of Reality\u00bb, Poster of  Principles of Life and Elements of Wisdom Series<\/span>, Roboptics Editions llc, Cheseaux-Noreaz, Switzerland, February 22, 2021 ; click here<\/a> to download the document in pdf format  (ca. 3.1 Mb).<\/p>\n\n\n\n

Dessimoz, Jean-Daniel, \u00abCognition – Mod\u00e9lisation basique du r\u00e9el\u00bb, Poster de la s\u00e9rie  Principes de vie et \u00e9l\u00e9ments de sagesse<\/span>, Roboptics Editions S\u00e0rl, Cheseaux-Nor\u00e9az, Suisse, 22 f\u00e9vrier 2021 ; cliquer ici<\/a> pour t\u00e9l\u00e9charger le document en format pdf (env. 4.1 Mo).<\/p>\n\n\n\n

Dessimoz, Jean-Daniel, \u00abCognition – Life, Considered in Four Colors\u00bb, Poster of  Principles of Life and Elements of Wisdom Series<\/span>, Roboptics Editions llc, Cheseaux-Noreaz, Switzerland, February 19, 2021 ; click here<\/a> to download the document in pdf format  (updated on February 27, 2021; ca. 3.7 Mb).<\/p>\n\n\n\n

Dessimoz, Jean-Daniel, \u00abCognition – La vie en quatre couleurs\u00bb, Poster de la s\u00e9rie  Principes de vie et \u00e9l\u00e9ments de sagesse<\/span>, Roboptics Editions S\u00e0rl, Cheseaux-Nor\u00e9az, Suisse, 19 f\u00e9vrier 2021 ; cliquer ici<\/a> pour t\u00e9l\u00e9charger le document en format pdf (mise-\u00e0-jour du 27 f\u00e9vrier 2021; env. 3.8 Mo).<\/p>\n\n\n\n

Dessimoz, Jean-Daniel, \u00abBoucle Cyber et Bio \u2013 Cognition et Vie\u00bb, Poster de la s\u00e9rie  Principes de vie et \u00e9l\u00e9ments de sagesse<\/span>, Roboptics Editions S\u00e0rl, Cheseaux-Nor\u00e9az, Suisse, 14 f\u00e9vrier 2021 ; cliquer ici<\/a> pour t\u00e9l\u00e9charger le document en format pdf (env. 2.2 Mb).<\/p>\n\n\n\n

Dessimoz, Jean-Daniel, \u00abCyber and BioLoop \u2013 Cognition and Life\u00bb, Poster of  Principles of Life and Elements of Wisdom Series<\/span>, Roboptics Editions llc, Cheseaux-Noreaz, Switzerland, February 13, 2021 ; click here<\/a> to download the document in pdf format  (ca. 1.2 Mb).<\/p>\n\n\n\n

Dessimoz, Jean-Daniel, \u00abLe Prix B-Prize pour la Cognition\u00bb, Poster de la s\u00e9rie  Principes de vie et \u00e9l\u00e9ments de sagesse<\/span>, Roboptics Editions S\u00e0rl, Cheseaux-Nor\u00e9az, Suisse, 12 f\u00e9vrier 2021 ; cliquer ici<\/a> pour t\u00e9l\u00e9charger le document en format pdf (env. 1.3 Mo).<\/p>\n\n\n\n

Dessimoz, Jean-Daniel, \u00abB-Prize for Cognition\u00bb, Poster of  Principles of Life and Elements of Wisdom Series<\/span>, Roboptics Editions llc, Cheseaux-Noreaz, Switzerland, February 12, 2021 ; click here<\/a> to download the document in pdf format  (ca. 1.4 Mb).<\/p>\n\n\n\n

Dessimoz, Jean-Daniel, \u00abCognition, conc\u00e9e entre r\u00e9el et valeurs\u00bb, Poster de la s\u00e9rie  Principes de vie et \u00e9l\u00e9ments de sagesse<\/span>, Roboptics Editions S\u00e0rl, Cheseaux-Nor\u00e9az, Suisse, 17 f\u00e9vrier 2021 ; cliquer ici<\/a> pour t\u00e9l\u00e9charger le document en format pdf (env. 1.5 Mb).<\/p>\n\n\n\n

Dessimoz, Jean-Daniel, \u00abCognition Squeezed Between Real and Values\u00bb, Poster of  Principles of Life and Elements of Wisdom Series<\/span>, Roboptics Editions llc, Cheseaux-Noreaz, Switzerland, February 17, 2021 ; click here<\/a> to download the document in pdf format  (ca. 1.7 Mb).<\/p>\n\n\n\n

Dessimoz, Jean-Daniel, \u00ab B-Prize for Cognition\u00bb, Complements<\/span>, Roboptics Editions llc, Cheseaux-Noreaz, Switzerland, September 26, 2020, 3 pp. .<\/p>\n\n\n\n

Dessimoz, Jean-Daniel,  Le Prix \u00ab B-Prize \u00bb pour la Cognition, Compl\u00e9ments, \u00c9ditions Roboptics S\u00e0rl, Cheseaux-Nor\u00e9az, 26 septembre 2020, 3 pp. .<\/p>\n\n\n\n

Dessimoz, Jean-Daniel, \u00abColors of MCS Cognition Theory and Classical Perspectives in Philosophy \u00bb, Complements,  Roboptics Editions llc, Cheseaux-Noreaz, Switzerland, 8 Aug. 2020, 10 pp.  ; click here<\/a> to download the document in pdf format  (ca. 206 Kb).<\/p>\n\n\n\n

Dessimoz, Jean-Daniel, \u00ab Couleurs de la th\u00e9orie de la cognition MCS et perspectives classiques en philosophie \u00bb, Compl\u00e9ments, \u00c9ditions Roboptics S\u00e0rl, Cheseaux-Nor\u00e9az, Suisse, 4 ao\u00fbt 2020, 10 pp.  ; cliquer ici<\/a> pour t\u00e9l\u00e9charger le document en format pdf (env. 222 Ko).<\/p>\n\n\n\n

Jean-Daniel Dessimoz, \u00ab Cognition and Cognitics \u2013 Definitions and Metrics for Cognitive Sciences, in Humans, and for Thinking Machines, 2nd edition, augmented, with considerations of life, through the prism \u201creal \u2013 imaginary \u2013 values \u2013 collective\u201d, and some bubbles of wisdom for our time \u00bb, Roboptics Editions llc, Cheseaux-Noreaz, Switzerland, 345 pp, March 2020. Electronic version: ISBN 978-2-9700629-4-3, Printed version: ISBN 978-2-9700629-3-6 . https:\/\/www.roboptics.ch\/editions-english\/<\/a> .<\/p>\n\n\n\n

Jean-Daniel Dessimoz, \u00ab Cognition et Cognitique \u2013 D\u00e9finitions et m\u00e9trique pour les sciences cognitives, chez l\u2019humain et pour les machines pensantes, 2i\u00e8me \u00e9dition de La Cognitique, augment\u00e9e, avec consid\u00e9rations sur la vie, \u00e0 travers le prisme r\u00e9el \u2013 imaginaire \u2013 valeurs \u2013 collectif, et quelques bulles de sagesse pour notre temps \u00bb, Roboptics Editions S\u00e0rl, Cheseaux-Noreaz, Switzerland, 373 pp, March 2020. Version \u00e9lectronique : ISBN 978-2-9700629-6-7, Version imprim\u00e9e: ISBN 978-2-9700629-2-9 . https:\/\/www.roboptics.ch\/editions-francais\/<\/a> .<\/p>\n\n\n\n

Jean-Daniel Dessimoz, \u00ab\u00a0Temps et Vitesse, Permanence et Changement\u00a0\u00bb, Poster de la s\u00e9rie Principes de vie et \u00e9l\u00e9ments de sagesse, Editions Roboptics, Cheseaux-Nor\u00e9az, Suisse, 10 mai 2019; notamment pr\u00e9sent\u00e9 \u00e0 la 22e Coupe suisse de robotique, 9-11 mai 2019 ; cliquer ici<\/a> pour t\u00e9l\u00e9charger l’affichette en format pdf (env. 1.2 Mo).<\/p>\n\n\n\n

Jean-Daniel Dessimoz, \u00ab\u00a0Evaluation, Humeur et Emotion -3 axes\u00a0\u00bb, Poster de la s\u00e9rie Principes de vie et \u00e9l\u00e9ments de sagesse, Editions Roboptics, Cheseaux-Nor\u00e9az, Suisse, 10 mai 2019; notamment pr\u00e9sent\u00e9 \u00e0 la 22e Coupe suisse de robotique, 9-11 mai 2019 ; cliquer ici<\/a> pour t\u00e9l\u00e9charger l’affichette en format pdf (env. 67 Ko).<\/p>\n\n\n\n

Jean-Daniel Dessimoz, \u00ab\u00a0Temps, Probabilit\u00e9 et Information\u00a0\u00bb, Poster de la s\u00e9rie Principes de vie et \u00e9l\u00e9ments de sagesse, Editions Roboptics, Cheseaux-Nor\u00e9az, Suisse, 9 mai 2019; notamment pr\u00e9sent\u00e9 \u00e0 la 22e Coupe suisse de robotique, 9-11 mai 2019 ; cliquer ici<\/a> pour t\u00e9l\u00e9charger l’affichette en format pdf (env. 1.6 Mo).<\/p>\n\n\n\n

Jean-Daniel Dessimoz, \u00ab\u00a0R\u00e9el, imaginaire, valeur et collectif\u00a0\u00bb, Poster de la s\u00e9rie Principes de vie et \u00e9l\u00e9ments de sagesse, Editions Roboptics, Cheseaux-Nor\u00e9az, Suisse, 9 mai 2019; notamment pr\u00e9sent\u00e9 \u00e0 la 22e Coupe suisse de robotique, 9-11 mai 2019 ; cliquer ici<\/a> pour t\u00e9l\u00e9charger l’affichette en format pdf (env. 180 Ko).<\/p>\n\n\n\n

22i\u00e8me Coupe Suisse de Robotique (CSR), yc SwissEurobot Open, Concours des Ecoles et Atelier pour les jeunes, Association Robot-CH pour la promotion de la robotique en Suisse, La Marive, Yverdon-les-Bains, Suisse, 9-11 mai 2019, cliquer ici<\/a> pour t\u00e9l\u00e9charger l’affichette en format pdf (env. 406 Ko); cliquer ici<\/a> pour t\u00e9l\u00e9charger le programme (env. 375 Ko); cliquer ici<\/a> pour t\u00e9l\u00e9charger le dossier d’annonce (env. 606 Ko); cliquer ici<\/a> pour t\u00e9l\u00e9charger le communiqu\u00e9 de presse d’annonce (env. 840 Ko); cliquer ici<\/a> pour t\u00e9l\u00e9charger le communiqu\u00e9 de presse des r\u00e9sultats (env. 328 Ko); cliquer ici<\/a> pour t\u00e9l\u00e9charger l’allocution Robot-CH partie 1 – pour le Concours des Ecoles (env. 2 Mo); cliquer ici<\/a> pour t\u00e9l\u00e9charger l’allocution Robot-CH partie 2 – pour SwissEurobots (env. 2 Mo); divers posters sont disponibles par ailleurs; cliquer ici<\/a> pour acc\u00e9der au site web ;<\/p>\n\n\n\n

Jean-Daniel Dessimoz, \u00ab\u00a0Principes de vie – cognition et sagesse\u00a0\u00bb, Conf\u00e9rences et discussions philo \/ \u00e9co \/ mythe, Ev\u00e9nement \u00ab\u00a0Un Lieu\u00a0\u00bb, Claire Dessimoz organisatrice, Espace d’Art Tunnel Tunnel, programmation Sophie Ballmer, Olivia Fahmy, Anne Sylvie Henchoz et Guillaume Pilet, Lausanne, 13 octobre 2018. Cliquer ici<\/a> pout t\u00e9l\u00e9charger la pr\u00e9sentation en format pdf (version comprim\u00e9e, env. 8Mb).<\/p>\n\n\n\n

Jean-Daniel Dessimoz, \u00ab\u00a0Action, cognition et \u00e9valuation\u00a0\u00bb, Poster, Editions Roboptics, Cheseaux-Nor\u00e9az, Suisse, 23 sept.2018; notamment pr\u00e9sent\u00e9 \u00e0 la 22e Coupe suisse de robotique, 9-11 mai 2019 ; cliquer ici<\/a> pour t\u00e9l\u00e9charger l’affichette en format pdf (env. 2.9 Mo).<\/p>\n\n\n\n

Jean-Daniel Dessimoz et Pierre-Fran\u00e7ois Gauthey , \u00ab\u00a0Yumi Plays Connect 4 in Real World\u00a0\u00bb, Example of application in real world; ABB Yumi robot watches, thinks, places its pawns and finally, tidies up, when game is over. Poster, 21st Swiss Robotics Days, org. by Robot-CH, the Swiss association for promotion of robotics, at Y-Parc, Yverdon-les-Bains, 13-14 April 2018; click here<\/a> to download the poster in pdf format (ca. 6.6Mb); click here<\/a> to download the corresponding HEIG-VD video (avi, ca. 39 Mb).<\/p>\n\n\n\n

Jean-Daniel Dessimoz et Pierre-Fran\u00e7ois Gauthey , \u00ab\u00a0Yumi Joue \u00e0 Puissance 4 en Monde R\u00e9el\u00a0\u00bb, Exemple d’application en monde r\u00e9el; le robot ABB Yumi observe, pense, place ses pions et pour terminer, range le jeu en fin de partie. Poster, 21i\u00e8me Coupe Suisse de Robotique, org. par l’association Robot-CH pour la promotion de la robotique, \u00e0 Y-Parc, Yverdon-les-Bains, 13-14 April 2018; cliquer ici<\/a> pour t\u00e9l\u00e9charger l’affichette en format pdf (env. 6.6Mb), cliquer ici<\/a> pour t\u00e9l\u00e9charger la vid\u00e9o HEIG-VD correspondante (avi, ca. 39 Mb).<\/p>\n\n\n\n

J.-D. Dessimoz,\u201dNatural Emotions as Evidence of Continuous Assessment of Values, Threats and Opportunities in Humans, and Implementation of These Processes in Robots and Other Machines\u201d, Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Cognition and Artificial Intelligence for Human-Centred Design 2017, co-located with 26th International Joint Conferences on Artificial Intelligence, IJCAI 2017, Melbourne, Australia, August 19, 2017. Edited by Mehul Bhatt and Antonio Lieto, pp. 47-55. To download the presentation (ppt, ca. 40Mb), click here<\/a>; to download the presentation in pdf format (pdf, ca. 4Mb), click here<\/a>. The paper can be freely downloaded from CEUR worksite (paper #8 of Proceedings: click here<\/a> .<\/p>\n\n\n\n

J.-D. Dessimoz, Reprint of \u00ab\u00a0Cognition, cognitics, and team action\u2014Overview, foundations, and five theses for a better world\u00a0\u00bb, Elsevier, Robotics and Autonomous Systems, Volume 90, 2017, Pages 24\u201333; access to editor’s page: https:\/\/dx.doi.org\/10.1016\/j.robot.2016.08.008<\/a>; author presentation (5 slides, 4:35 min): Click here<\/a>. Early days access: https:\/\/authors.elsevier.com\/a\/1Tp8I3HdG3LjBv<\/a>.<\/p>\n\n\n\n

J.-D. Dessimoz, \u00ab\u00a0Robot-CH and Robotics in Switzerland\u00a0\u00bb, Friendly Chinese-Swiss Meeting Robot-CH at HESSO-HEIG-VD, Yverdon-les-Bains, Switzerland, 24 May 2017. To download the presentation (ppt), click here<\/a>; to download the presentation in pdf format (pdf), click here<\/a>.<\/p>\n\n\n\n

S\u00e9bastien Mettraux, \u00ab\u00a0Ex Machina\u00a0\u00bb , S\u00e9rie de peintures comment\u00e9es, Livre de l’exposition, Collectif sous la direction de Karine Tissot (yc. Marco Costantini, Jean-Daniel Dessimoz, Gabriel Dorthe, Simon Leresche, Laurence Schmidlin), Trilingue fran\u00e7ais-anglais-allemand, Co\u00e9dition L\u2019APAGE\/Infolio, ISBN 9782884747783 , Gen\u00e8ve, Suisse, pp. 104, mai 2017,<\/p>\n\n\n\n

J.-D. Dessimoz, \u00ab\u00a0Experience with Collaborative Robots; Key Factors for Success\u00a0\u00bb, Fachtagung kollaborative Robotik, Robotics.net, Swiss Technology Network, ETH Z\u00fcrich, 26 April 2017. To download the presentation (ppt), click here<\/a>; to download the video (mp4), click here<\/a>; to download the presentation in pdf format (pdf), click here<\/a>.<\/p>\n\n\n\n

J.-D. Dessimoz, Participation in Technological Panel 2, \u00a0\u00bb Industry 4.0: Exploring Opportunities in India\u00a0\u00bb, Indo-Swiss Investment and Innovation Forum, IMD, Lausanne, 23 March 2017. Part of introductory remarks, \u00ab\u00a0Cognition and Collaborative Robotics in International Context and Industry 4.0\u00a0\u00bb can be downloaded, in powerpoint format click here<\/a><\/p>\n\n\n\n

Dessimoz, Jean-Daniel, Cours AIC-Automatisation avanc\u00e9e, intelligence artificielle et cognitique, HESSO.HEIG-VD, Yverdon-les-Bains, Suisse, 20 f\u00e9vrier 2017 ; cliquer ici<\/a> pour acc\u00e9der aux documents en format pdf.<\/p>\n\n\n\n

J.-D. Dessimoz, \u00ab\u00a0S\u00e9lection de Posters et Vid\u00e9os\u00a0\u00bb, Robotique collaborative : les cobots, Ateliers d’impulsion, 24H d’InnovARC 2016, Espace Grammont, Besan\u00e7on, France, 23-24 novembre 2016; pour les slides en format ordinaire, cliquer ici<\/a>; pour un poster par slide, cliquer ici<\/a>; pour acc\u00e9der directement aux trois vid\u00e9os, cliquer 1<\/a>; cliquer 2<\/a>; ou cliquer 3<\/a>.<\/p>\n\n\n\n

J.-D. Dessimoz, \u00ab\u00a0Cognition Squeezed Between Nature and Values\u00a0\u00bb, SGAICO Annual Meeting and Workshop – Deep Learning and Beyond, Swiss Group for Artificial Intelligence and Cognitive Sciences, Swiss Association of Informatics, Departement Informatik, Hochschule Luzern, Rotkreuz, Switzerland, 16 Nov. 2016; poster in different formats to download; click on selected format : A4-ppt <\/a>, A4-pdf <\/a>, 2 slides-pptx <\/a>, A0-pdf <\/a>.<\/p>\n\n\n\n

J.-D. Dessimoz, \u00ab\u00a0Cognition, cognitics, and team action\u2014Overview, foundations, and five theses for a better world\u00a0\u00bb, Elsevier, Robotics and Autonomous Systems, Volume 85, November 2016, Pages 73\u201382; access to editor’s page: https:\/\/dx.doi.org\/10.1016\/j.robot.2016.08.008<\/a>; author presentation (5 slides, 4:35 min): Click here<\/a>. Early days access: https:\/\/authors.elsevier.com\/a\/1Tp8I3HdG3LjBv<\/a>.<\/p>\n\n\n\n

\u00ab\u00a0Robotics in Education, RiE 2015\u00a0\u00bb, Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Robotics in Education, RiE 2015, HESSO.HEIG-VD, Yverdon-les-Bains, Switzerland, 20-23 May, 2015; Jean-Daniel Dessimoz, Richard Balogh and David Obdzralek, Editors; ISBN 978-2-9700629-5-0, Roboptics Editions, Cheseaux-Noreaz, Switzerland, 150 pp, May 2016. For access to book in paper or electronic format: Click here<\/a>.<\/p>\n\n\n\n

Jean-Daniel Dessimoz, \u00ab\u00a0Astronautique, Suisse, et Robots pour l’Espace; Astronautics, Switzerland, and Robotics for Space\u00a0\u00bb, Conference-Event of A\u00e9ropoly – Association d’\u00e9tudiants de l’EPFL, Lausanne, 10 May 2016; cliquer ici<\/a> pour un acc\u00e8s \u00e0 l’association; cliquer ici<\/a> pour t\u00e9l\u00e9charger le fichier pdf.<\/p>\n\n\n\n

Ivan Radja, \u00ab La HEIG-VD et l\u2019intelligence des robots en groupe \u00bb, encadr\u00e9 dans l\u2019article \u00ab La recherche et ses enjeux mobilisent la science suisse \u00bb, section Sp\u00e9cial Robots, Le Matin Dimanche, Lausanne, 17 avril 2016, pp.34-35. Technologie – Les hautes \u00e9coles et l\u2019industrie misent sur des applications tr\u00e8s concr\u00e8tes et utiles pour la soci\u00e9t\u00e9, comme des proth\u00e8ses et implants bioniques ou des robots autonomes pour des situations d\u2019urgence.<\/p>\n\n\n\n

Ivan Radja, \u00ab La HEIG-VD et l\u2019intelligence des robots en groupe \u00bb, Economie \u2013 Le Matin Dimanche, site web, http:\/\/www.lematindimanche.ch\/read\/ch.lematindimanche.ipad… , acc\u00e9d\u00e9 le 17 avril 2016.<\/p>\n\n\n\n

Feissli, Fabien, \u00ab\u00a0Ils Pr\u00e9f\u00e9reraient un Robot comme Patron\u00a0\u00bb, yc. citations J.-D. Dessimoz, Laboratoire de Robotique et Automatisation (iAi-LaRA) de la Haute Ecole d’Ing\u00e9nierie et de Gestion – Vaud (HEIG-VD), Le Matin, \u00e9dition papier, p. 15, Lausanne, 31 mars 2016. Voir aussi l’\u00e9dition online ci-apr\u00e8s.<\/p>\n\n\n\n

Feissli, Fabien, \u00ab\u00a0Et si votre patron \u00e9tait un robot?\u00a0\u00bb, yc. citations J.-D. Dessimoz, Laboratoire de Robotique et Automatisation (iAi-LaRA) de la Haute Ecole d’Ing\u00e9nierie et de Gestion – Vaud (HEIG-VD), Le Matin, \u00e9dition Online, Lausanne, 31 mars 2016; cliquer ici<\/a> pour un acc\u00e8s \u00e0 l’\u00e9diteur; cliquer ici<\/a> pour t\u00e9l\u00e9charger le fichier pdf. Voir aussi l’\u00e9dition papier.<\/p>\n\n\n\n

Jean-Daniel Dessimoz, \u00ab\u00a0Roboter: Unsere neuen Freunde im Dienst des Menschen?!\u00a0\u00bb, Fyrabeseminar 002, kobu.ch org., Meikirch, Bern, Schweiz, 5. Febr. 2016. Hier<\/a> klicken um powerpoint Folien zu downloaden, und hier<\/a> f\u00fcr die pdf Datei klicken.<\/p>\n\n\n\n

\u00ab\u00a0Signes\u00a0\u00bb, St\u00e9phane Brasey, R\u00e9alisateur – producteur, 19.12.2015, 10h00, Radio T\u00e9l\u00e9vision Suisse, Gen\u00e8ve. On n’est pas que des cobayes (sourds), Les sourds voient-ils mieux que les entendants ? Pour r\u00e9pondre \u00e0 cette question, nos confr\u00e8res de L’oeil et la Main ont choisi d’investir un vaste hangar transform\u00e9 en laboratoire scientifique et d’y mener une s\u00e9rie d’exp\u00e9rimentations. Yc. 5 minutes d’interview de J.-D. Dessimoz par Monique Aubonney, et vid\u00e9o au Laboratoire de Robotique et Automatisation (iAi-LaRA) (d\u00e8s min. 25). Cliquer ici<\/a> pour acc\u00e9der directement \u00e0 l’\u00e9mission. Cliquer ici<\/a> pour t\u00e9l\u00e9charger l’\u00e9mission.<\/p>\n\n\n\n

Zaugg, Julie, \u00ab\u00a0Des millions de robots et moi, et moi, et moi\u00a0\u00bb, H\u00e9misph\u00e8res, Gen\u00e8ve, pp. 64-66, 12 d\u00e9cembre 2015. Yc. citations et photo J.-D. Dessimoz, et Laboratoire de Robotique et Automatisation (iAi-LaRA) de la Haute Ecole d’Ing\u00e9nierie et de Gestion – Vaud (HEIG-VD); cliquer ici<\/a> pour un acc\u00e8s \u00e0 l’\u00e9diteur; cliquer ici<\/a> pour t\u00e9l\u00e9charger le fichier pdf.<\/p>\n\n\n\n

Dessimoz, Jean-Daniel; \u00ab\u00a0Formal Definitions and Quantitative Assessment for Natural Cognition ; Power, Limits, and Evident Consequences\u00a0\u00bb, 2nd Interdisciplinary Conference on Natural Cognition, Rationality and Rivals, University of Macau, Taipa, Macau, 10-11 December 2015. Click here<\/a> to download the pdf file; click here<\/a> for the abstract, and here<\/a> for powerpoint presentation.<\/p>\n\n\n\n

Dessimoz, Jean-Daniel; \u00ab\u00a0Cognition for Effective Control\u00a0\u00bb, Hot Topics in Cognitive Science & Artificial Intelligence, SI-SGAICO Workshop, EPFL Biotech Campus Geneva, Geneva, Switzerland, 12 November 2015. Click here<\/a> in order to download the pdf file of the official poster, in A4 format; click here<\/a> for the abstract, and here<\/a> for an extended version in powerpoint presentation.<\/p>\n\n\n\n

Jean Pinesi, \u00ab\u00a0Ils sont l\u00e0 au quotidien; les robots et nous\u00a0\u00bb, Coop\u00e9ration, No 42, B\u00e2le, environ 10pp dont \u00ab\u00a0Le robot, mon nouvel ami\u00a0\u00bb pp. 14-20, 13 octobre 2015. Yc. interview de J.-D. Dessimoz, et photos au Laboratoire de Robotique et Automatisation (iAi-LaRA) de la HEIG-VD; cliquer ici<\/a> pour t\u00e9l\u00e9charger l’\u00e9dition romande (Vaud); cliquer ici<\/a> pour un acc\u00e8s direct au num\u00e9ro \u00e9lectronique; cliquer ici<\/a> pour un acc\u00e8s \u00e0 l’article en version interactive yc. vid\u00e9os (page web, r\u00e9dactrice: M\u00e9lanie Haab).<\/p>\n\n\n\n

Jean Pinesi, \u00ab\u00a0Schweizer Forschung; Roboter wie wir\u00a0\u00bb, Coopzeitung, No 42, Basel, ca. 10pp mit \u00ab\u00a0Roboter; unsere neuen Freunde\u00a0\u00bb pp. 14-20, 13. Oktober 2015. Mit. Worten von J.-D. Dessimoz, und Bildern der Laboratoire de Robotique et Automatisation (iAi-LaRA) de la HEIG-VD (Haute Ecole d’Ing\u00e9nierie et de Gestion – Vaud); cliquer ici<\/a> pour t\u00e9l\u00e9charger l’\u00e9dition suisse-allemande (Z\u00fcrich); cliquer ici<\/a> pour un acc\u00e8s direct au num\u00e9ro \u00e9lectronique; cliquer ici<\/a> pour un acc\u00e8s \u00e0 l’article en version interactive yc. vid\u00e9os (page web).<\/p>\n\n\n\n

Dessimoz, Jean-Daniel; Koehler, Jana; Stadelmann, Thilo; \u00ab\u00a0AI in Switzerland\u00a0\u00bb, AI Magazine, vol. 36, No II, AAAI, Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence, Palo Alto, California, USA, June 2015, pp102-105.<\/p>\n\n\n\n

Jean-Daniel Dessimoz, \u00ab\u00a0Cognition in Robotics – (Big Data is Peanuts)\u00a0\u00bb, 6th Tech Meeting, Collaborative Technology Watch, Colab@Fribourg, Fribourg, Switzerland, 25 June 2015. Click here<\/a> in order to download the pdf file of the presentation.<\/p>\n\n\n\n

Dessimoz, Jean-Daniel, \u00ab\u00a0Speech of Robot-CH for Eurobot and More\u00a0\u00bb, Eurobot Competition, Robotics Festival Robots:15, org. by HESSO.HEIG-VD, Town of Yverdon and Robot-CH, La Marive, Yverdon-les-Bains, Switzerland, 24 May, 2015; click here<\/a> for the text and 2 pictures in pdf format (ca. 21 Mb); for a video of the full event, please refer to http:\/\/robots15.ch<\/a> website.<\/p>\n\n\n\n

Dessimoz, Jean-Daniel, \u00ab\u00a0Allocution de Robot-CH pour SwissEurobot \u00ab\u00a0, SwissEurobot Competition, Robotics Festival Robots:15, org. by HESSO.HEIG-VD, Town of Yverdon and Robot-CH, La Marive, Yverdon-les-Bains, Switzerland, 22 May, 2015; click here<\/a> for the text in pdf format (ca. 2 Mb); for a video of the full event, please refer to http:\/\/robots15.ch<\/a> website.<\/p>\n\n\n\n

Dessimoz, Jean-Daniel, \u00ab\u00a0International Robotics Competitions as Excellent Training Grounds for Technical Education and Student Exchanges\u00a0\u00bb, 6th International Conference on Robotics in Education, RiE 2015, HESSO.HEIG-VD, Yverdon-les-Bains, Switzerland, 20-23 May, 2015.<\/p>\n\n\n\n

Dessimoz, Jean-Daniel, \u00ab\u00a0Cognition, to define alternative worlds and possible futures, visions, thus triggering anti-causal actions\u00a0\u00bb, 6th International Conference on Robotics in Education, RiE 2015, HESSO.HEIG-VD, Yverdon-les-Bains, Switzerland, 20-23 May, 2015.<\/p>\n\n\n\n

\u00ab Robotics in Education, RiE 2015 \u00bb, Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Robotics in Education, RiE 2015, HESSO.HEIG-VD, Yverdon-les-Bains, Switzerland, 20-23 May, 2015; Jean-Daniel Dessimoz, Richard Balogh and David Obdzralek, Editors; ISBN 978-2-9700629-5-0, Roboptics Editions, Cheseaux-Noreaz, Switzerland, 150 pp, May 2016. Click here<\/a> in order to access to the book or to the free electronic copy.<\/p>\n\n\n\n

Jean-Daniel Dessimoz et al, \u00ab\u00a0RG-Y\u00a0\u00bb, Slide presented in the context of \u00ab\u00a0AAAI-15 ROBOTICS ACTIVITIES\u00a0\u00bb, The Twenty-Ninth Conference on Artificial Intelligence, January 25\u201330, 2015, Austin, Texas USA. click here<\/a> for accessing it among various other robot descriptions.<\/p>\n\n\n\n

Jean-Daniel Dessimoz, \u00ab\u00a0Cognition to perceive, explore and model the world\u00a0\u00bb, Technical Program and Workshop, Annual assembly and workshop of the SGAICO group, Universit\u00e4t Basel, Basel, Switzerland, 18 Nov. 2014; click here<\/a> for the technical presentation in pdf format.<\/p>\n\n\n\n

<\/a> Jean-Daniel Dessimoz, Course overview on \u00ab\u00a0Automatisation avanc\u00e9e, intelligence artificielle et cognitique\u00a0\u00bb, Dialogue on Education & Technical Program and Workshop, Dialogue on Education , Annual assembly and workshop of the SGAICO group, Universit\u00e4t Basel, Basel, Switzerland, 18 Nov. 2014; click here<\/a> for the course overview in pdf format; click here<\/a> for the slides in ppt format.<\/p>\n\n\n\n

<\/a>Jean-Daniel Dessimoz, \u00ab\u00a0Cognition, Cognitics, and Team Action \u2013 Five Theses for a Better World\u00a0\u00bb, NRF-IAS-2014 Position paper, Proceedings of the Workshop on New Research Frontiers for Intelligent Autonomous Systems (NRF-IAS) Venice (Italy), July 18-19, 2014, ISBN 978-88-95872-08-7, pp. 33-41; click here<\/a> for the paper in pdf format (ca. 0.8 Mb) ; click here<\/a> for the slides in ppt format (ca. 1.6 Mb); click here<\/a> for the slides in pdf format (ca. 1.2 Mb)<\/p>\n\n\n\n

<\/a>Jean-Daniel Dessimoz, and Pierre-Fran\u00e7ois Gauthey, \u00ab\u00a0Definitions and Metrics for Social Robotics, along with some Experience Gained in this Domain\u00a0\u00bb, Evaluating Social Robots, Workshop Proceedings of IAS-13, 13th Intl. Conf. on Intelligent Autonomous Systems Padova (Italy) July 15-19, 2014, ISBN 978-88-95872-06-3 pp. 429-435; click here<\/a> for the paper in pdf format (ca. 2.4 Mb) ; click here<\/a> for the slides in ppt format (ca. 35.2 Mb); click here<\/a> for the slides in pdf format (ca. 10.7 Mb)<\/p>\n\n\n\n

<\/a>Jean-Daniel Dessimoz, Pierre-Fran\u00e7ois Gauthey, Denis Leuba, and John Didier, \u00ab\u00a0Robotics for Teaching Creative Activities in Primary and Secondary Schools – a Case Study\u00a0\u00bb, TRTWR and RIE 2014, Proceedings of 4th International Workshop Teaching Robotics, Teaching with Robotics & 5th International Conference Robotics in Education Padova (Italy), ISBN 978-88-95872-06-3, pp. 118-126, July 18, 2014; click here<\/a> for the paper in pdf format (ca. 16.2 Mb) ; click here<\/a> for the slides in ppt format (ca. 21.5 Mb); click here<\/a> for the slides in pdf format (ca. 17.3 Mb)<\/p>\n\n\n\n

<\/a>Jean-Daniel Dessimoz, \u00ab\u00a0Some Compared Perspectives of Artificial Cognition and Philosophy, with Evidence of Possible Mutual Benefits\u00a0\u00bb, SGAICO Workshop 2013, Swiss Group for Artificial Intelligence and Cognitive Sciences, EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland, November 27, 2013; click here<\/a> for the slides in ppt format (ca. 4.5 Mb); click here<\/a> for the slides in pdf format (ca. 2.9 Mb) (see below for access to the video in principle embedded in the presentation: IJCAI 2013.08.03-09)<\/p>\n\n\n\n

<\/a>Mathieu Jaquet, St\u00e9phane Guilloud, Pierre-Fran\u00e7ois Gauthey, and Jean-Daniel Dessimoz, \u00ab\u00a0Experience in Integrating Robots Designed for Planetary Exploration and an Environment Initially Designed for Cooperating Robots on Planet Earth\u00a0\u00bb, Proceedings of the 64th international astronautical congress, IAC-2013, International Astronautical Federation, China National Convention Center, Beijing, China, September 23-27, 2013; click here<\/a> for the article in pdf format (ca. 3.6 Mb); click here<\/a> for the slides in pdf format (ca. 1.5 Mb)<\/p>\n\n\n\n

<\/a>Jean-Daniel Dessimoz and Pierre-Fran\u00e7ois Gauthey, \u00ab\u00a0Two Contributions to Foster Human Agent Interaction, the MCS Theory of Cognition and the Piaget Integrative Environment\u00a0\u00bb, Proceedings of the 1st international conference on Human-Agent Interaction (iHAI 2013), Hokkaido University, Sapporo, Japan, August 7-9, 2013; click here<\/a> for the article in pdf format (ca. 0.99 Mb); click here<\/a> for the article in docx format (ca. 0.85 Mb)<\/p>\n\n\n\n

<\/a>Jean-Daniel Dessimoz and Pierre-Fran\u00e7ois Gauthey, \u00ab Group of Cooperating Robots and a Humanoid for Assistance at Home, with cognitive and real-world capabilities ensured by our Piaget environment (2007-2013, with RG-Y, RH-Y, OP-Y and Nono-Y robots, at HESSO.HEIG-VD) \u00bb, video competition, IJCAI-13, Twenty-third International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China, August 3-9, 2013. The 4 min. clip made in 2013 shows an overview of our developments for cooperating robots, with cognitic capabilities and sequences taken while participating in world-level competitions\u00a0\u00bb. Click to play the video (v013.05.24) on YouTube<\/a><\/p>\n\n\n\n

<\/a>Omori, H., J.-D. Dessimoz, H. Tomori, T. Nakamura and Hisashi Osumi, \u00ab\u00a0Piaget for the Smart Control of Complex Robotized Applications in Industry\u00a0\u00bb, 10th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics, ICINCO, Reykjavik University, Iceland 29-31 July,(2013)<\/p>\n\n\n\n

<\/a>Jean-Daniel Dessimoz and Pierre-Fran\u00e7ois Gauthey, \u00a0\u00bb More on MCS Ontology for Cognition: Revising Selected Concepts, Including Cognition and Time, Considering Cognition Links with Philosophy and Implementing Automated Cognition in the Real World \u00ab\u00a0, International Journal on Advances in Intelligent Systems, vol 6, no 1&2, ISSN: 1942-2679, June 30, 2013, 13pp.<\/p>\n\n\n\n

<\/a>Jean-Daniel Dessimoz, \u00ab\u00a0Piaget and cognitive robotics :
Smart machines for the real world\u00a0\u00bb, SwissT.Fair 2013, Messe Z\u00fcrich Hallen, org. SwissRobotics.net, Z\u00fcrich, Switzerland, 6-7 June 2013; click
here<\/a> for the slides in pdf format (ca 6 Mb); click here<\/a> for the slides in ppt format (with comments, ca 42 Mb)<\/p>\n\n\n\n

<\/a>Jean-Daniel Dessimoz, \u00ab\u00a0Piaget et la robotique cognitive :
des machines intelligentes pour le monde r\u00e9el
\u00ab\u00a0, SwissT.Fair 2013, Forum de l’Arc, org. SwissRobotics.net, Moutier, Suisse, 23-24 mai 2013; cliquer
ici<\/a> pour la pr\u00e9sentation (.pdf, ca 6 Mb).<\/p>\n\n\n\n

<\/a>Jean-Daniel Dessimoz, Pierre-Fran\u00e7ois Gauthey, and Hayato Omori, \u00ab\u00a0Piaget Environment for the Development and Intelligent Control of Mobile, Cooperative Agents and Industrial Robots\u00a0\u00bb, ISR 2012, International Symposium for Robotics, Internat. Federation of Robotics, Taipei, Taiwan, Aug.28-31, 2012; click here<\/a> for the slides (.pdf, ca 14.2 Mb).<\/p>\n\n\n\n

<\/a>Jean-Daniel Dessimoz, Pierre-Fran\u00e7ois Gauthey, and Hayato Omori, \u00ab\u00a0Some New Concepts in MCS Ontology for Cognitics; Permanence, Change, Speed, Discontinuity, Innate versus Learned Behavior, and More\u00a0\u00bb, Cognitive-12, The Fourth International Conference on Advanced Cognitive Technologies and Applications, July 22-27, 2012 – Nice, France.<\/p>\n\n\n\n

<\/a>Jean-Daniel Dessimoz, Pierre-Fran\u00e7ois Gauthey, and Hayato Omori, \u00ab\u00a0Contribution to Social Aspects of Cognition, with Implementation in Signal Supporting Systems and Intelligent Robots, Capable to Interact with Children in the Real-World\u00a0\u00bb, Brain, Mind and Development, SSP in IACAPAP 2012, 20th World Congress,(Social Signal Processing in the International Association for Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Allied Professions), Institut de Syst\u00e8mes intelligents et Robotique, Universit\u00e9s Paris-Descartes, Pierre et Marie Curie, de la Sorbonne , et al., Palais des Congr\u00e8s, Paris, July 21-25, 2012; click here<\/a> for the slides(.pdf, ca 4 Mb). Abstract in \u00ab\u00a0Neuropsychiatrie de l’enfance et de l’adolescence\u00a0\u00bb,IACAPAP 2012, 20th World Congress-Paris, Brain, Mind and Development,Elsevier-Masson,Juillet 2012, Vol. 60, Bo5S, p.S141.<\/p>\n\n\n\n

<\/a>Jean-Daniel Dessimoz, Pierre-Fran\u00e7ois Gauthey, and Hayato Omori, \u00ab\u00a0A Sociology of Intelligent, Autonomous Cothinkers and Coagents\u00a0\u00bb, 12th International Conference on Intelligent Autonomous System (IAS-12), IAS Society, org. Sungkyunkwan, Konkuk, et al. Korean Univ., Ramada Plaza Jeju Hotel, Jeju Island, Korea, June 26 – 29, 2012; click here<\/a> for the slides(.pdf, ca 1 Mb).<\/p>\n\n\n\n

<\/a>Jean-Daniel Dessimoz, Pierre-Fran\u00e7ois Gauthey, \u00ab\u00a0RH6-Y \u2013 Toward A Cooperating Robot for Home Applications\u00a0\u00bb, Robocup-at-Home League, Proceedings CD Robocup11 Symposium and World Competition, Istanbul, Turkey, 5-11 July 2011; also available on Robocup@Home wiki: http:\/\/robocup.rwth-aachen.de\/athomewiki\/index.php\/Teams . Click here<\/a> for the paper (.pdf, ca 1.5 Mb).<\/p>\n\n\n\n

Alex Helmick interviews Jean-Daniel Dessimoz, \u00ab\u00a0Capturing and mining asteroids? ‘Realistic’ and ‘exciting'\u00a0\u00bb, World Radio Switzerland, 25 April 2012, ca. 4 min. For listening on WRS, click here<\/a>. For a written abstract and description of the radio program, click here<\/a>. The MP3 file (3.9 Mb) is also directly available upon request.<\/p>\n\n\n\n

<\/a>Daniele Nardi, Jean-Daniel Dessimoz, et al. (16 authors), \u00ab\u00a0RoboCup@Home; Rules & Regulations\u00a0\u00bb, Robocup-at-Home League, Rulebook (Revision: 164M)\/ Final version for RoboCup 2011, Istanbul, Turkey, 60pp., 29 June 2011; click here<\/a> for the paper (.pdf, ca 2.6 Mb).<\/p>\n\n\n\n

<\/a>Jean-Daniel Dessimoz and Pierre-Fran\u00e7ois Gauthey, \u00ab\u00a0Domestic Service Robots in the Real World: More on the Case of Intelligent Robots Following Humans\u00a0\u00bb, Proc. Eurobot 2011, Achim Gottscheber and David Obdzralek Eds, Internat. Conf. on Robotics Research and Education, Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic,15-17 June 2011; also Communications in Computer and Information Science, Springer Verlag Heidelberg Berlin, Vol. 161, ISBN 978-3-642-21974-0, pp88-101.click here<\/a> for Springer access, or here<\/a> for the paper (.pdf, ca 7.2 Mb) and here<\/a> for the slides (.pdf, ca 11Mb).<\/p>\n\n\n\n

<\/a>\u00ab\u00a0Cognitics – Definitions and metrics for cognitive sciences and thinking machines\u00a0\u00bb, Jean-Daniel Dessimoz, Roboptics Editions, Cheseaux-Nor\u00e9az, Switzerland, ISBN 978-2-9700629-1-2, pp169, January 2011, \u00ab\u00a0http:\/\/cognitics.populus.ch\u00a0\u00bb<\/a><\/a>; to access the book or a free electronic copy, click here<\/a><\/a> .<\/p>\n\n\n\n

<\/a>Jean-Daniel Dessimoz and Pierre-Fran\u00e7ois Gauthey, \u00ab\u00a0Contributions to Standards and Common Platforms in Robotics: The Role of Color and Recommended Modalities\u00a0\u00bb, Proc. Standards and Common Platform Workshop, SIMPAR-2010 Second International Conference on Simulation, Modeling and Programming for Autonomous Robots, November 15-18, 2010, Darmstadt, Germany; Click here<\/a> for the slides (.pdf, ca 1.1 Mb).<\/p>\n\n\n\n

<\/a>Jean-Daniel Dessimoz and Pierre-Fran\u00e7ois Gauthey, \u00ab\u00a0Domestic Service Robots in the Real World: the Case of Robots Following Humans\u00a0\u00bb, Proc. Domestic Service Robots in the Real World Workshop, SIMPAR-2010 Second International Conference on Simulation, Modeling and Programming for Autonomous Robots, November 15-18, 2010, Darmstadt, Germany, ISBN978-3-00-032863-3, pp. 217-228. Click here<\/a> for appendices of the paper (.pdf, ca 1.7 Mb). Click here<\/a> for the slides (.pdf, ca 10.9 Mb).<\/p>\n\n\n\n

<\/a>Jean-Olivier Pain interviewe Jean-Daniel Dessimoz (par t\u00e9l\u00e9phone \u00e0 Singapour) dans le Journal du Matin de la 1\u00e8re, Radio Suisse romande, 2.07.2010, en deux formats: Extraits-Robocup-at-Home<\/a><\/a> (.mov, env. 1.6 Mo); Extraits-Robocup-at-Home<\/a><\/a> (.mp3, env. 14.5 Mo).<\/p>\n\n\n\n

<\/a>Jean-Daniel Dessimoz, Pierre-Fran\u00e7ois Gauthey, \u00ab\u00a0RH5-Y \u2013 Toward A Cooperating Robot for Home Applications\u00a0\u00bb, Robocup-at-Home League, Proceedings Robocup10 Symposium and World Competition, Singapore, June 2010; click here<\/a> for the paper (.pdf, ca 2.3 Mb).<\/p>\n\n\n\n

<\/a>Jean-Daniel Dessimoz, \u00ab\u00a0Elements of Hybrid Control in Autonomous Systems and Cognitics\u00a0\u00bb, Proc. Eurobot 2010, Internat. Conf. on Robotics Research and Education, Rapperswil-Jona, Switzerland, pp.16, 27-30 May 2010; click here<\/a> for the slides (.pdf, ca 4.1 Mb).<\/p>\n\n\n\n

<\/a>Jean-Daniel Dessimoz, \u00ab\u00a0Do Cognition and Robotics Share Common Ground? Some Answers from the MCS Perspective and an RH-Y Case Study\u00a0\u00bb, Proc. Eurobot 2010, Internat. Conf. on Robotics Research and Education, Rapperswil-Jona, Switzerland, pp.15, 27-30 May 2010; click here<\/a> for the slides (.pdf, ca 7.9 Mb).<\/p>\n\n\n\n

<\/a>Jean-Daniel Dessimoz, \u00ab\u00a0The Nature and Role of Artificial Intelligence: A Quantitative Cognitics Perspective\u00a0\u00bb, The Second RoboCup IranOpen Symposium, Azad University of Qazvin, Tehran, 5 – 9 April 2010 (accepted for publication).<\/p>\n\n\n\n

<\/a>Blaise Angel interviewe Jean-Daniel Dessimoz, reportage dans l’\u00e9mission \u00ab\u00a0Rien n’est jou\u00e9\u00a0\u00bb sur le th\u00e8me \u00ab\u00a0Robots et Avatars\u00a0\u00bb, Lydia Gabor, Radio Suisse Romande, 11 f\u00e9vrier 2010. Cliquer pout t\u00e9l\u00e9charger l’\u00e9mission compl\u00e8te<\/a> (mp3, ca 49 Mb) ou le reportage cibl\u00e9<\/a> (.mov, 7.7.Mb) sur notre application; Descriptif<\/a> (pdf, ca 128 kb) de l’\u00e9mission.<\/p>\n\n\n\n

<\/a>Jean-Daniel Dessimoz, \u00ab\u00a0Cognition for a Purpose – Cognitics for Control\u00a0\u00bb, CogSys2010, 4th International Conference on Cognitive Systems, EUCOG II (EUCognition – European Society for Cognitive Systems), 27th & 28th January 2010, ETH Zurich, Switzerland; Poster<\/a> (pdf, ca. 0.4 Mb); with additional pictures, in 4 slides, click here<\/a> (ppt.pdf, ca 4.4 Mb).<\/p>\n\n\n\n

<\/a>Jean-Daniel Dessimoz and Pierre-Fran\u00e7ois Gauthey, \u00ab\u00a0What Role for Emotions in Cooperating Robots? \u2013 The Case of RH3-Y\u00a0\u00bb, Proc. Conf. Eurobot 2009, Internat. Conf. on Robotics Research and Education, La Fert\u00e9-Bernard, France, Achim Gottscheber, David Obdr\u017e\u00e1lek and Colin Schmidt Eds., Communications in Computer and Information Science, Springer Verlag Heidelberg Berlin, pp.38-46, Vol.82, ISBN 978-3-642-21369-2, Cop. 2010.<\/p>\n\n\n\n

<\/a>Jean-Daniel Dessimoz, \u00ab\u00a0Cognition Dynamics; Time and Change Aspects in Quantitative Cognitics\u00a0\u00bb, Second International Conference on Intelligent Robotics and Applications. Singapore, 16 – 18 December, 2009; also in Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science Volume 5928, ISBN 978-3-642-10816-7, pp.976-993, Paper ref. at Springer<\/a>;click here<\/a> for the slides (ppt.pdf, ca 5.4 Mb).<\/p>\n\n\n\n

<\/a>Jean-Daniel Dessimoz, \u00ab\u00a0About New Challenges in Connecting Space People Across Science, Expertise and Action; case study in Education and Outreach\u00a0\u00bb, E1.4 Space Education and Outreach Symposium, Proc. 60th International Astronautical Congress, Daejeon, Republic of Korea
12 \u2013 16 October, 2009; click
here<\/a> for the slides (.pdf, ca 1.7 Mb); click here<\/a> for the updated paper (.pdf, ca 5.1 Mb).<\/p>\n\n\n\n

<\/a>Jean-Daniel Dessimoz, \u00ab\u00a0Robotik in den Schulen\u00a0\u00bb, Space Education und Nachwuchsf\u00f6rderung; Spezialprogramm f\u00fcr Schulen; org. Swiss Space Association, Planetarium ZH, Cluster Aviatik, et al., Volkshaus, Zurich, 15 Sept. 2009; click here<\/a> for the slides (.ppt, ca 21 Mb).<\/p>\n\n\n\n

<\/a>Jean-Daniel Dessimoz, Pierre-Fran\u00e7ois Gauthey, \u00ab\u00a0RH4-Y \u2013 Toward A Cooperating Robot for Home Applications\u00a0\u00bb, Robocup-at-Home League, Proceedings Robocup09 Symposium and World Competition, Graz, Austria, June- July 2009; click here<\/a> for the paper (.pdf, ca 6.2 Mb); click here<\/a> for the poster (.pdf, ca 275 Kb).<\/p>\n\n\n\n

<\/a>Jean-Daniel Dessimoz, \u00ab\u00a0What Role for Emotions in Cooperating Robots? \u2013 The Case of RH3-Y\u00a0\u00bb, Conf. Eurobot 2009, Internat. Conf. on Robotics Research and Education, La Fert\u00e9-Bernard, France, 21-23 May 2009; click here<\/a> for the slides (.pdf, ca 2.5 Mb).<\/p>\n\n\n\n

<\/a>Jean-Daniel Dessimoz and Pierre-Fran\u00e7ois Gauthey, \u00ab\u00a0Quantitative Cognitics and Agility Requirements in the Design of Cooperating Autonomous Robots\u00a0\u00bb, Revised selected papers of Eurobot Conference 2008, Heidelberg, Germany, Communications in Computer and Information Science Series, A. Gottscheber and S. Enderle (Eds.): EUROBOT 2008, CCIS 33, ISBN: 978-3-642-03557-9 (Print) 978-3-642-03558-6 (Online), \u00a9 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, pp. 156\u2013167, 2009, Paper ref. at Springer<\/a>,<\/p>\n\n\n\n

<\/a>Jean-Daniel Dessimoz, \u00ab\u00a0Robot-CH\u00a0\u00bb, Allocution et poster de l’association pour la promotion de la robotique en Suisse, Coupe des Ecoles et Coupe suisse de robotique SwissEurobot, Org. HEIG-VD, La Marive , Yverdon-les-Bains, 9 mai 2009. Cliquer ici<\/a> pour texte et poster en format Adobe (.pdf, ca 2.1 Mb);<\/p>\n\n\n\n

<\/a>Jean-Daniel Dessimoz, \u00ab\u00a0A Glance at Swiss Activities in Space Domain\u00a0\u00bb, Rencontre: \u00ab\u00a0Hautes Technologies\u00a0\u00bb Coop\u00e9ration \u00e9conomique Xi\u2019an-Gen\u00e8ve, Org. CRES-Centre de Recherches Entreprises et Soci\u00e9t\u00e9s, Villa Sarasin, Le Grand-Saconnex\/Geneva, Switzerland, 17 Nov. 2008. Pr\u00e9sentation orale en fran\u00e7ais avec trad. en chinois et supports visuels en anglais; click here<\/a> for slides in Adobe format (.pdf, ca 73 Mb); click here<\/a> for slides in Microsoft format (.ppt, ca 29 Mb)<\/p>\n\n\n\n

<\/a>Jean-Daniel Dessimoz, \u00ab\u00a0Contributions to Standards and Common Platforms in Robotics; Prerequisites for Quantitative Cognitics\u00a0\u00bb, International Conference on Simulation, Modeling, and Programming for Autonomous Robots (SIMPAR) 2008. First International Workshop on Standards and Common Platform for Robotics, Venice, Italy, 3-7 Oct. 2008; click here<\/a> for the slides (.pdf, ca 4.6 Mb); click here<\/a> for the paper(.pdf, ca 1 Mb)<\/p>\n\n\n\n

<\/a>Jean-Daniel Dessimoz, \u00ab\u00a0Measuring Knowledge and Other Cognitive Properties ; Consequences in Terms of Ethics\u00a0\u00bb, World Knowledge Dialogue Symposium 2008, 10-13 September 2008, Crans-Montana, Switzerland, Abstracts pp. 74-75, Click here<\/a> for the paper(.pdf, ca 2.2 Mb)<\/p>\n\n\n\n

\u201cLa Cognitique – D\u00e9finitions et m\u00e9trique pour les sciences cognitives et la cognition automatis\u00e9e\u201d, Jean-Daniel Dessimoz, \u201d, Editions Roboptics, Yverdon-les-Bains, Switzerland, ISBN 978-2-9700629-0-5, Aug. 2008. Click here<\/a> for more information; pour acc\u00e9der au livre ou \u00e0 une copie gratuite, cliquer ici<\/a> ..<\/p>\n\n\n\n

<\/a>Jean-Daniel Dessimoz, Pierre-Fran\u00e7ois Gauthey, \u00ab\u00a0RH3-Y \u2013 Toward A Cooperating Robot for Home Applications\u00a0\u00bb, Robocup-at-Home League, Proceedings Robocup08 Symposium and World Competition, Suzhou, China, 14-20 July 2008. Paper(.pdf, ca 1.7 Mb)<\/a><\/p>\n\n\n\n

<\/a>Jean-Daniel Dessimoz, \u00ab\u00a0Cognitique: la cognition automatis\u00e9e; yc mod\u00e9ration de deux tables rondes concernant les aspects scientifiques, \u00e9conomiques et industriels, ainsi que les applications en robotique des services\u00a0\u00bb, Forum RobotX organis\u00e9 par Robot-CH, Y-Parc, Rosam-Diff, et al., Parc scientifique et technologique, Yverdon-les-Bains, 18 juin 2008.
Print format(.pdf, ca 31 Mb)<\/a>, Slides(.ppt, ca 38 Mb)<\/a><\/p>\n\n\n\n

<\/a>Jean-Daniel Dessimoz, \u00ab\u00a0Ten Years of Experience with Eurobot ;
Achievements, Lessons Learned and General Comments\u00a0\u00bb, Proc. Eurobot Conference 2008, Heidelberg, Germany,22-24 May 2008, ISBN: 978-80-7378-042-5.
Paper(.pdf, ca 3.6 Mb)<\/a>, Slides(.pdf, ca 7.7 Mb)<\/a><\/p>\n\n\n\n

<\/a>Jean-Daniel Dessimoz and Pierre-Fran\u00e7ois Gauthey, \u00ab\u00a0Quantitative Cognitics and Agility Requirements in the Design of Cooperating Autonomous Robots\u00a0\u00bb, Eurobot Conference 2008, Heidelberg, Germany, 22-24 May 2008, ISBN: 978-80-7378-042-5 Paper(.pdf, ca 2.2 Mb)<\/a>, Slides(.pdf, ca 5.6 Mb)<\/a><\/p>\n\n\n\n

<\/a>Jean-Daniel Dessimoz, \u00ab\u00a0Intelligent Cooperating Robot\u00a0\u00bb, Switzerland-Taiwan Bilateral Seminar on Mechatronics for Nanotechnology and Medical Technology, National Tsinghua Univ., Taipei, R.O.China,14 January 2008. Slides(.pdf, ca 764 kb)<\/a><\/p>\n\n\n\n

<\/a>Lucie Solari interviewe Jean-Daniel Dessimoz,\u00a0\u00bbLe robot au service de l’homme\u00a0\u00bb, Emission Impatience, Radio Suisse Romande, 9 novembre 2007. L’\u00e9mission<\/a> (mp3, ca 20 Mb, soit env. 20 minutes); R\u00e9sum\u00e9<\/a> (pdf, ca 76 kb)<\/p>\n\n\n\n

<\/a>Jean-Daniel Dessimoz, Pierre-Fran\u00e7ois Gauthey, \u00ab\u00a0RH2-Y \u2013 Toward A Cooperating Robot for Home Applications\u00a0\u00bb, Robocup-at-Home League, Proceedings Robocup07 Symposium and World Competition, Georgia Tech, Atlanta, USA, 30 June-10 July 2007. Paper (pdf, ca 950 kb)<\/a><\/p>\n\n\n\n

<\/a>Jean-Daniel Dessimoz, \u201cLa robotique appliqu\u00e9e, et son r\u00f4le entre science et soci\u00e9t\u00e9\u201c, \u00ab\u00a0La robotique en mouvement – opportunit\u00e9s pour l’industrie\u00a0\u00bb, org. GESO, EPFL, Robot-CH, HEIG-VD et d’autres, EPFL, Lausanne, 28 juin 2007. Article (pdf, ca.1,5Mb)<\/a>, D\u00e9pliant (pdf, 616 kb)<\/a><\/p>\n\n\n\n

<\/a>Jean-Daniel Dessimoz, Pierre-Fran\u00e7ois Gauthey and Carl Kjeldsen, \u00ab\u00a0Ontology for Cognitics, Closed-Loop Agility Constraint , and Case Study in Embedded Autonomous Systems \u2013 a Mobile Robot with Industrial-Grade Components\u00a0\u00bb, Proc. Conf. INDIN ’06 on Industrial Informatics, IEEE, Singapore, Aug.14-17, 2006, pp6. Paper (pdf, 778 kB)<\/a><\/p>\n\n\n\n

<\/a>Jean-Daniel Dessimoz, Pierre-Fran\u00e7ois Gauthey and Carl Kjeldsen, \u201cInterest of Ludic Competitions for Robotic Education and Research\u201c,Workshop on Educational Robotics 2006, org. University of Catania, Eurobot, and IEEE, with support of the European Commission-Directorate General for Research, Science and Society Program , Acireale (Catania), Italy, June 1st, 2006, pp10. Paper (pdf, 1.6 Mb)<\/a><\/p>\n\n\n\n

<\/a>Jean-Daniel.Dessimoz, \u00ab\u00a0MCS Model for Cognitics and for Addressing \u00abComplex, Human, and Impossible\u00bb Issues\u00a0\u00bb, New Emerging Science and Technology Event, Brussels, 6 December 2005, 38sl. Presentation: Slides (.pdf, 1.1Mb)<\/a> Event site: NEST<\/a><\/p>\n\n\n\n

<\/a><\/a>Nicolas Uebelhart\u00ab Geometrical and physical simulation of Rovers using Webots Software \u00bb, Symposium A5.2. Human and Robotic Partnerships to Realize Space Exploration Goals (IAC-05-A5.2.08), 56th International Astronautical Congress of the International Astronautical Federation, the International Academy of Astronautics, and the International Institute of Space Law, Fukuoka, Japan, Oct. 17-21, 2005. Paper, pdf (279 Kb)<\/a><\/p>\n\n\n\n

<\/a>Andr\u00e9 Perrenoud, Pierre-Fran\u00e7ois.Gauthey, Nicolas Uebelhart, Jean-Daniel Dessimoz, \u00ab\u00a0Development and Opportunities for Mobile Robots in Switzerland\u00a0\u00bb, IPLnet 2005: \u00ab\u00a0Needs and Opportunities for Swiss Industry\u00a0\u00bb, 5th national Workshop of the Swiss Network of Excellence for Integral Production automation and Logistics, IPLnet, Schloss B\u00f6ttstein, Sept. 5-7, ISBN: (voir aussi sur le web. re: www.iplnet.ch<\/a>)<\/p>\n\n\n\n

<\/a>Jean-Daniel Dessimoz, Manjeet Dahiya, Pierre-Fran\u00e7ois Gauthey and Andr\u00e9 Perrenoud, \u00ab\u00a0Novel Modal Control for Strongly Non-stationary Systems\u00a0\u00bb, IPLnet 2005: \u00ab\u00a0Needs and Opportunities for Swiss Industry\u00a0\u00bb, 5th national Workshop of the Swiss Network of Excellence for Integral Production automation and Logistics, IPLnet, Schloss B\u00f6ttstein, Sept. 5-7, ISBN: (voir aussi sur le web. cf : www.iplnet.ch)<\/p>\n\n\n\n

<\/a>Jean-Daniel Dessimoz, \u00ab\u00a0About the Necessary Move from Cognitics to Ethics; Additional Definitions, and Contributions to Metrics in MCS \u00ab\u00a0,\u00ab DARH-2005 – 1st International Conference on Dextrous Autonomous Robots and Humanoids\u00bb, with sponsorship Eurobot, IEEE, CLAWAR, and CTI, HESSO-HEIG (West Switzerland University of Applied Sciences), Yverdon-les-Bains, Switzerland, May 19-22, 2005. (re: DARH-2005.org<\/a> )<\/p>\n\n\n\n

<\/a>Nicolas Uebelhart, St\u00e9phane Michaud and Olivier Michel, \u00ab\u00a0Modelling and animation of virtual autonomous mobile robots, in physically simulated world, for the evaluation of locomotion and navigation structures\u00a0\u00bb, \u00ab DARH-2005 – 1st International Conference on Dextrous Autonomous Robots and Humanoids\u00bb, with sponsorship Eurobot, IEEE, CLAWAR, and CTI, HESSO-HEIG (West Switzerland University of Applied Sciences), Yverdon-les-Bains, Switzerland, May 19-22, 2005. (re: DARH-2005<\/a> ) Paper, doc (3.1 Mb)<\/a><\/p>\n\n\n\n

<\/a><\/a>Nicolas Uebelhart, Florian Glardon and Pierre-Fran\u00e7ois Gauthey, \u201cLomu, an Autonomous Mobile Robot with Robust Architecture and Components\u00a0\u00bb, \u00ab DARH-2005 – 1st International Conference on Dextrous Autonomous Robots and Humanoids\u00bb, with sponsorship Eurobot, IEEE, CLAWAR, and CTI, HESSO-HEIG (West Switzerland University of Applied Sciences), Yverdon-les-Bains, Switzerland, May 19-22, 2005. (re: DARH-2005<\/a> ) AbstractWithFig (1.3Mb)<\/a><\/p>\n\n\n\n

<\/a>Pierre Maurer and Micael Gagnebin, \u00ab\u00a0Advanced control structure for the autonomous mobile robot Lodur\u00a0\u00bb, \u00ab DARH-2005 – 1st International Conference on Dextrous Autonomous Robots and Humanoids\u00bb, with sponsorship Eurobot, IEEE, CLAWAR, and CTI, HESSO-HEIG (West Switzerland University of Applied Sciences), Yverdon-les-Bains, Switzerland, May 19-22, 2005. (re: DARH-2005<\/a><\/a> )<\/p>\n\n\n\n

<\/a>Takao Nakazato, Sonia von Wyl , Hisashi Osumi and Jean-Daniel Dessimoz, \u00a0\u00bb Control of Omni-Directional Mobile Platform with Four Driving Wheels \u00ab\u00a0,\u00ab DARH-2005 – 1st International Conference on Dextrous Autonomous Robots and Humanoids\u00bb, with sponsorship Eurobot, IEEE, CLAWAR, and CTI, HESSO-HEIG (West Switzerland University of Applied Sciences), Yverdon-les-Bains, Switzerland, May 19-22, 2005. (re: DARH-2005<\/a> )<\/p>\n\n\n\n

<\/a>A.Trad, P.-F. Gauthey, M. Loersch, J.-D. Dessimoz, M.Riedi, J.-D. Marcuard \u201cImproving Automated Manufacturing using Robots; A Proposed Methodology\u201d Workshop national IPLnet 2004 ; Automation and Logistics for Manufacturing in Switzerland \u00bb, Morat, Sept. 6-8, R\u00e9seau national de comp\u00e9tences en Productique et Logistique Int\u00e9grales IPLnet,. ISBN: 2-8399-0056-4 (voir aussi sur le web. cf : www.iplnet.ch)<\/p>\n\n\n\n

<\/a>A.Trad, P.-F. Gauthey , M. Loersch and J.-D. Dessimoz \u201cPC based Distributed Systems Control for Production Automation – Ethernet and TCP\/IP based solutions\u201d Workshop national IPLnet 2004 ; Automation and Logistics for Manufacturing in Switzerland \u00bb, Morat, Sept. 6-8, R\u00e9seau national de comp\u00e9tences en Productique et Logistique Int\u00e9grales IPLnet,. ISBN: 2-8399-0056-4 (voir aussi sur le web. cf : www.iplnet.ch)<\/p>\n\n\n\n

<\/a>A. Trad, P.-F. Gauthey, C. Luethi, J.-D. Dessimoz \u201cArchitectural Proposal for Cognitive Processing of Multimodal Images in Large Databases Environments with fast Access\u201d Workshop national IPLnet 2004 ; Automation and Logistics for Manufacturing in Switzerland\u00bb, Morat, Sept. 6-8, R\u00e9seau national de comp\u00e9tences en Productique et Logistique Int\u00e9grales IPLnet,. ISBN: 2-8399-0056-4 (voir aussi sur le web. cf : www.iplnet.ch)<\/p>\n\n\n\n

<\/a>Antoine Trad, J.-D. Dessimoz. \u00ab Proactive Monitoring and Maintenance of Intelligent Control SystemsApplication for Mobile Robot Systems \u00bb, Proc. 2nd IEEE International Conference on Industrial Informatics INDIN\u201904, Collaborative Automation One Key for intelligent industrial environment, Fraunhofer Inst. Produktionsanlagen und Konstruktionstechnik, 24th-26th June 2004, Berlin, Germany<\/p>\n\n\n\n

<\/a>Antoine Trad, Jean-Daniel Dessimoz, \u201cAn Architectural Design Pattern Proposal for Mobile Robot Systems\u201d, Conference proceedings of the International IMS (Intelligent Manufacturing Systems) Forum 2004, held in Cernobbio – Italy on 17th-19th May.pp. 346-351,(http:\/\/www.imsforum2004.org )<\/p>\n\n\n\n

<\/a>J.-D. Dessimoz, P.-F. Gauthey, L. Etorre, G. Genna J. Pittet and J.-Ph. Thiran, \u00ab Rapid Prototyping for Visual Analysis Tasks\u201d, Workshop national IPLnet 2003 ; Challenges of Globalization for Swiss Manufacturings and Logistics \u00bb, Ebnat-Kappel, Sept. 8-10, 2003, CD-ROM ISBN 03-033-00059-2, C.Heitz et al. Eds., R\u00e9seau national de comp\u00e9tences en Productique et Logistique Int\u00e9grales IPLnet, ZHW-IDP, Winterthur,mars 2004. (voir aussi sur le web. cf : www.iplnet.ch)<\/p>\n\n\n\n

<\/a>St\u00e9phane Salerno and Laurent Camax, \u201cDesign of a F.I.D.O.-Type Mobile Autonomous Robot\u201d, IAC-03-P.P.02 Space Congress of the IAF (International Astronautics Federation), Bremen, Germany, Oct. 1-6, 2003<\/p>\n\n\n\n

<\/a>J.-D. Dessimoz, Participant invit\u00e9 au Workshop d\u2019Experts ONU-IAF-ISU (Intern. Astr. Fed, ; Intern. Space Univ.), sur le \u00ab Space Education and Outreach \u00bb, UNESCO, Organisation de l\u2019ONU pour l\u2019Education, la Science et la Culture, Paris, mars 13-15, 2003.<\/p>\n\n\n\n

<\/a>J.-D. Dessimoz, P.-F. Gauthey and J. Moerschel Eds, Proceedings \u00ab Workshop IPLnet 2002 ; From Research to Application \u00bb, IPLnet R\u00e9seau national de comp\u00e9tences en Productique et Logistique Int\u00e9grales, p. a. \u00c9cole d’Ing\u00e9nieurs du canton de Vaud (EIVD), HES-SO, Yverdon-les-Bains, f\u00e9vrier 2003.<\/p>\n\n\n\n

<\/a> J.-D. Dessimoz, \u00ab Knowledge Management and Cognitics; Some Fundamental Aspects\u201d Proceedings \u00ab Workshop IPLnet 2002 ; From Research to Application \u00bb, Kongresszentrum Saas-Fee, Sept. 9-11, 2002, IPLnet National Network of Excellence in Integral Production Automation and Logistics, J.D. Dessimoz, P.-F. Gauthey and J. Moerschel Editors, \u00c9cole d’Ing\u00e9nieurs du canton de Vaud (EIVD), HES-SO, Yverdon-les-Bains, Febr. 2003. Paper (.pdf, ca 180 kb)<\/a><\/p>\n\n\n\n

<\/a>Jean-Daniel Dessimoz, \u00ab Gestion des connaissances et cognitique quelques aspects fondamentaux \u00bb, Visions, Revue scientifique de l’\u00c9cole d’Ing\u00e9nieurs du canton de Vaud (EIVD), HES-SO, No 7, Yverdon, CH, novembre 2002<\/p>\n\n\n\n

<\/a>J.-A. Porchet, P.-F. Gauthey, O. Duvanel and J.-D. Dessimoz, \u00ab Acquisition d\u2019images \u00e0 haute vitesse pour l\u2019optimisation de processus industriels\u201d, Workshop national 2002 ; From Research to Application , IPLnet R\u00e9seau national de comp\u00e9tences en Productique et Logistique Int\u00e9grales, Kongresszentrum Saas-Fee, Sept. 9-11, 2002.<\/p>\n\n\n\n

<\/a>J.-D. Dessimoz, U. d’Aquino, J.-G. Gander, and J. Sekler\u00ab Experience with Engineering Courses and Forums Organized for the Dissemination of Space-related Information\u00bb, Symposium P2 on Space Education, World Space Congress IAF (F\u00e9d\u00e9ration internationale d\u2019astronautique), Houston, USA, Oct. 14-19, 2002<\/p>\n\n\n\n

<\/a>J.-D. Dessimoz, \u00ab Toulouse – 52i\u00e8me Congr\u00e8s international d\u2019Astronautique \u00bb, Newsletter SRV (Schweizerische Raumfahrt Vereinigung), , p. a., . \u00c9cole d’Ing\u00e9nieurs du canton de Vaud (EIVD), HES-SO, Yverdon-les-Bains, nov. 2001 (aussi version allemande en mai 2002)<\/p>\n\n\n\n

J.-D. Dessimoz, \u00ab Pr\u00e9sentation du r\u00e9seau national de comp\u00e9tences IPLnet \u00bb, Workshop IMS , r\u00e9seau de comp\u00e9tences international \u00ab Intelligent Manufacturing Systems \u00bb, Monte Verit\u00e0, Suisse, 8-9 oct. 2001<\/p>\n\n\n\n

<\/a>J.-D. Dessimoz, \u00abExperience with Engineering Courses and Forums organized for the dissemination of Space-related information \u00bb, s\u00e9minaire Space Education, Congr\u00e8s IAF (F\u00e9d\u00e9ration internationale d\u2019astronautique), Toulouse, France, 30 sept-6 oct. 2001<\/p>\n\n\n\n

<\/a>J.-D. Dessimoz, U d\u2019Aquino, J. Sekler, et J.-G. Gander, \u00abExperience with Engineering Courses and Forums organized for the dissemination of Space-related information \u00bb, Space Education poster session, Congr\u00e8s IAF (F\u00e9d\u00e9ration internationale d\u2019astronautique)\/ ISSAT\/ISU, Toulouse, France, 30 sept-6 oct. 2001<\/p>\n\n\n\n

<\/a>P.-F. Gauthey, M.-E. Inaebnit and J.-D. Dessimoz, \u00ab High-Speed Acquisition of Images for improvement of Industrial Processes\u00bb, Workshop du r\u00e9seau national de comp\u00e9tences en Productique et logistique int\u00e9grales IPLnet, Poster session, Locarno\/Ascona\/Monte Verit\u00e0, Switzerland. Sept 10-12. 2001<\/p>\n\n\n\n

<\/a>J. Cartier, P.-F. Gauthey, and J.-D. Dessimoz, \u00ab Mod\u00e8les pour l\u2019utilisation coordonn\u00e9e de plusieurs robots dans des processus de production int\u00e9gr\u00e9s\u00bb, Workshop du r\u00e9seau national de comp\u00e9tences en Productique et logistique int\u00e9grales IPLnet, Session on IAAI – Integral Automation and ICT for Automated systems, Locarno\/Ascona\/Monte Verit\u00e0, Switzerland. Sept 10-12. 2001<\/p>\n\n\n\n

<\/a>P.-F. Gauthey, A. Awasthi and J.-D. Dessimoz, \u00ab Ethernet and TCP\/IP communications as an attractive alternative for field-bus operation \u00bb, Workshop du r\u00e9seau national de comp\u00e9tences en Productique et logistique int\u00e9grales IPLnet, Session on IAAI – Integral Automation and ICT for Automated systems, Locarno\/Ascona\/Monte Verit\u00e0, Switzerland. Sept 10-12. 2001<\/p>\n\n\n\n

<\/a>J.-D. Dessimoz, \u00ab ICT for Integral Manufacturing Automation and Logistics \u00bb Moderator, Panel Discussion with international Experts : K. Preiss, G. Merli, R. Dillman, and C. Bo\u00ebr ; Workshop du r\u00e9seau national de comp\u00e9tences en Productique et Logistique Int\u00e9grales IPLnet, Locarno\/Ascona\/Monte Verit\u00e0, Switzerland. Sept 10-12. 2001<\/p>\n\n\n\n

<\/a>J.-D. Dessimoz et al., \u00ab Eurobot \u00bb, Coupe d\u2019Europe de Robotique, Participation au concours de robots mobiles autonomes, Classe de microtechnique Hesso-Eivd-MI5, La Fert\u00e9-Bernard, France (4i\u00e8me place Prix du Design) May 24-28, 2001<\/p>\n\n\n\n

<\/a>J.-D. Dessimoz, \u00ab, Pr\u00e9sentation des r\u00e9seaux de comp\u00e9tences iAi-CCAI-IPLnet \u00bb, Symposium Schneeberger, Gd-h\u00f4tel des Bains, Yverdon, 17 mai 2001<\/p>\n\n\n\n

<\/a>J.-D. Dessimoz, \u00ab Programmation de trajectoires complexes dans l\u2019espace \u00bb , Workshop IPLnet for Supervisory Control of Industrial Robots , FHH, Bienne, 30 mars 2001<\/p>\n\n\n\n

<\/a>J.-D. Dessimoz, M.-E. Inaebnit, J.-D. Marcuard et M. Riedi, \u00ab\u00a0Commande de robots industriels par ordinateur externe\u00a0\u00bb, S\u00e9minaire sur la Commande automatis\u00e9e par PC, organis\u00e9 par le SAP (Swiss Automatic Pool), le CCAI (Centre de Comp\u00e9tences en Automatisation Industrielle et Productique) de la HESSO (Haute Ecole Sp\u00e9cialis\u00e9e de Suisse Occidentale), et l’Ecole d’Ing\u00e9nieurs de Fribourg, Fribourg, 7 novembre 2000, 10 pp.<\/p>\n\n\n\n

<\/a>J.-D. Dessimoz, \u00ab\u00a0Beyond information era : cognition and cognitics for managing complexity; the case of \u00ab\u00a0enterprise\u00a0\u00bb, from a holistic perspective\u00a0\u00bb, Proc. ICIMS-NOE (Intelligent Control and Integrated Manufacturing Systems- Network of Excellence), ASI – 2000 (Advanced Summer Institute) and Annual Conference, CNRS-ENSERB-Universit\u00e9 de Bordeaux, Bordeaux, France , 18-20 Sept. 2000, pp.164-170. Paper (pdf, ca. 227 kB)<\/a><\/p>\n\n\n\n

<\/a>J.-D. Dessimoz, \u00ab\u00a0Is a Robot that can Autonomously Play Soccer Intelligent?\u00a0\u00bb, Proc. Intern. Conf. on Intelligent Autonomous Systems, No 6, E. Pagello et al (Eds), IOS Press, co-sponsored by IEEE, Venice, Italy, July 2000, pp. 951-958 paper (.pdf, ca 1.1 Mb)<\/a><\/p>\n\n\n\n

<\/a>J.-D. Dessimoz, \u00ab\u00a0Robot Task Description for Motion Control along Complex Trajectories\u00a0\u00bb, Proc. Intern. Conf. on Intelligent Autonomous Systems, No 6, E. Pagello et al (Eds), IOS Press, co-sponsored by IEEE, Venice, Italy, July 2000, pp. 1013-1018<\/p>\n\n\n\n

<\/a><\/a>J.-D. Dessimoz, Pierre-Fran\u00e7ois Gauthey, Michel Etique, Bernard Saugy et Andrea Vezzini, \u00ab\u00a0Serpentine – un Syst\u00e8me Intelligent de Transport Urbain pour Passagers, avec des Propri\u00e9t\u00e9s de Robots Mobiles Autonomes\u00a0\u00bb, Conf. et Actes du Congr\u00e8s IEEE Francophone pour l’Automatique, CIFA-IEEE, Lille, France, Juillet 2000<\/p>\n\n\n\n

<\/a>F. Mudry, S. Bezen\u00e7on, J.-D. Dessimoz, \u00ab\u00a0Mod\u00e9lisation et R\u00e9gulation d’un Pendule Invers\u00e9\u00a0\u00bb, Visions, Revue scientifique de l’\u00c9cole d’Ing\u00e9nieurs du canton de Vaud (EIVD), HES-SO, No 5, Yverdon, CH, Juin 2000, pp. 23-28<\/p>\n\n\n\n

<\/a>J.-D. Dessimoz, \u00ab\u00a0Robots mobiles: syst\u00e8mes autonomes intelligents et supports didactiques motivants\u00a0\u00bb, Rencontre des enseignants en r\u00e9glage automatique, SGA\/ASSPA – Association suisse pour l’automatique, Ecole d\u2019Ing\u00e9nieurs du Canton de Vaud Yverdon (VD), 13 mars 2000, pp. 17<\/p>\n\n\n\n

<\/a>J.-D. Dessimoz, \u00ab\u00a0Is a Robot that can Autonomously Play Soccer Intelligent?\u00a0\u00bb, Rencontre des enseignants en r\u00e9glage automatique, SGA\/ASSPA – Association suisse pour l’automatique, Ecole d\u2019Ing\u00e9nieurs du Canton de Vaud Yverdon (VD), 13 mars 2000, pp. 5<\/p>\n\n\n\n

<\/a>J.-D. Dessimoz, \u00ab\u00a0Risks, chances and perspectives in the context of robot programming for motion control along complex trajectories\u00a0\u00bb, Atelier \u00ab\u00a0Automation und Robotik in der Holzwirtschaft; Kommunikation mit flexiblen Produktionssystemen\u00a0\u00bb, E. Bachmann and W. Berthoud Eds, SH-Holz, Schweizerische Hoschschule f\u00fcr die Holzwirtschaft, Biel, Nov. 24, 1999<\/p>\n\n\n\n

<\/a>J.-D. Dessimoz, F. Cornu, \u00ab\u00a0Pr\u00e9sentation du Centre de Comp\u00e9tences en Automatisation industrielle et productique de la Hes-so\u00a0\u00bb, site d’information web (internet), http:\/\/www.hes-so.ch\/ccai\/, sept. 1999<\/p>\n\n\n\n

<\/a>J.-D. Dessimoz, F. Cornu, M. Etique, \u00ab\u00a0Pr\u00e9sentation de l’institut d’Automatisation industrielle de l’Ecole d’ing\u00e9nieurs du canton de Vaud\u00a0\u00bb site d’information web (internet), http:\/\/www.einev.ch\/iai\/, sept. 1999 (cf. en 2020 : https:\/\/heig-vd.ch\/rad\/instituts\/iai ).<\/p>\n\n\n\n

<\/a>J.-D. Dessimoz, Pierre-Fran\u00e7ois Gauthey, Michel Etique, Bernard Saugy et Andrea Vezzini, \u00ab\u00a0Serpentine – an Intelligent Urban Transportation System for Passengers, with Autonomous, Mobile Robot Properties\u00a0\u00bb, Conf. and Proceedings, SMC’99-IEEE, Tokyo, Japon, oct. 1999<\/p>\n\n\n\n

<\/a>J.-D. Dessimoz, P.-F. Gauthey, M. Etique, \u00ab\u00a0La Serpentine – Innovation et transport urbain\u00a0\u00bb,Visions, Revue scientifique de l’\u00c9cole d’Ing\u00e9nieurs du canton de Vaud (eivd), No 4, Yverdon, CH, Juin 1999<\/p>\n\n\n\n

<\/a>Fran\u00e7ois Schnegg, Julien Bachmann, J.-D. Dessimoz et P.-F. Gauthey, \u00ab\u00a0Tech-Spa\u00a0\u00bb, Didacticiel pour les techniques spatiales, versions fran\u00e7aise et anglaise, CD-ROM \u00e9dit\u00e9 par l’eivd en 1998; r\u00e9alis\u00e9 en f\u00e9vrier 1999.<\/p>\n\n\n\n

<\/a>J.-D. Dessimoz, Bernard Saugy, Samuel Jaccard, \u00ab\u00a0La Serpentine – Innovation et transport urbain\u00a0\u00bb, revue Schweizerische Maschinenmarkt\/March\u00e9, Syst\u00e8mes, Management, No 11, nov. 1998<\/p>\n\n\n\n

<\/a>J.-D. Dessimoz, F. Schnegg, D. Ceppi and F.G. Casal, \u00ab\u00a0Tech-Spa, a personal tutoring environment for space techniques\u00a0\u00bb, 49th International Astronautical Congress, Intern. Astron. Federation, Melbourne, Australia, 28 sept.-2 oct. 1998; Proc. publ. by the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, New York, USA.<\/p>\n\n\n\n

<\/a>J.-D. Dessimoz, P.-F. Gauthey, M. Etique, A. Rotzetta, B. Saugy, and F. Dr\u00e4yer, \u00ab\u00a0Automatic Path Generation and Steering for a New, Intelligent Urban Transportation System\u00a0\u00bb, Proc. ICAM’98, 3rd International Conference on Advanced Mechatronics, – Innovative Mechatronics for the 21st Century, Okayama, Japan, Vol.2, pp. 762-767, 3-6 Aug. 1998.<\/p>\n\n\n\n

<\/a>Jean-Daniel Dessimoz , Patrick Jouvenat , Henri R\u00f6thlisberger et Nicolas Pesenti, \u00ab\u00a0Contr\u00f4le visuel de qualit\u00e9, pour un processus de fabrication industriel\u00a0\u00bb, Visions, Revue scientifique de l’\u00c9cole d’Ing\u00e9nieurs du canton de Vaud (eivd), No 4, Yverdon, CH, Juin 1998<\/p>\n\n\n\n

<\/a>J.-D. Dessimoz, P.-F. Gauthey, M. Etique, C. Yechouroun, and B. Saugy, \u00ab\u00a0Automatic Guidance and Collision Avoidance for \u201cSerpentine\u201d, a novel City Transport System\u00a0\u00bb, Proc. 31st Intern. Symp. on Automotive Technology and Automation (ISATA), vol. \u00ab\u00a0Intelligent Transportation Systems and Telemetrics\u00a0\u00bb, D\u00fcsseldorf, Germany, 2-5 juin 1998, pp. 441-448 .<\/p>\n\n\n\n

<\/a>J.-D. Dessimoz, P.-F. Gauthey, M. Etique, C. Yechouroun, and B. Saugy, \u00ab\u00a0Automatic Guidance and Collision Avoidance for \u201cSerpentine\u201d, a novel City Transport System\u00a0\u00bb Symposium Abstract, 31st Intern. Symp. on Automotive Technology and Automation (ISATA), D\u00fcsseldorf, Germany, 2-5 juin 1998, pp. 295-296,<\/p>\n\n\n\n

<\/a>F. Schnegg, J.-D. Dessimoz, D. Ceppi and F.G. Casal, \u00ab\u00a0Tech-Spa, a personal tutoring environment for space techniques\u00a0\u00bb, suppl. for Orbit, special ed.,. publ. at the \u00ab\u00a0Oeffentliche Tagung mit dem Schweizer Astronauten Claude Nicollier\u00a0\u00bb, SRV – Schweizerische Raumfahrt Vereiningung, ISOe, Oensingen, March 24, 1998, pp. 4-5.<\/p>\n\n\n\n

<\/a>D. Turchi, S. Trolliet, L. Bourgeois, and J.-M. Vulliamy, \u00ab\u00a0Design and locomotion control for a telerobot of Sojourner type\u00a0\u00bb, 48th Symposium of the International Astronautical Federation, Torino, Italy, oct. 97, presentation of paper ST-97-W.2.04 (re.) publ. by the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, New York, USA. Paper, doc (272 Kb)<\/a><\/p>\n\n\n\n

<\/a>J.-D. Dessimoz, \u00ab\u00a0Estimation quantitative et \u00e9valuation \u00e9conomique de l’information et de la connaissance\u00a0\u00bb, invited author in La Societe Informationnelle: enjeux sociaux et approches \u00e9conomiques, \u00e9d. et coord. Anne Mayere, pr\u00e9face : Blaise Cronin, Professor and Dean, University of Indiana, L\u2019Harmattan, Paris, mai 97. paper (.pdf, ca 226 Kb)<\/a><\/p>\n\n\n\n

<\/a>J.-D. Dessimoz, R. Lucas et R. Montes, \u00ab\u00a0Travaux de l\u2019EINEV dans le contexte du projet Serpentine\u00a0\u00bb, poster, Stand d\u2019information Serpentine, Comptoir Suisse, Lausanne, octobre 1996.<\/p>\n\n\n\n

<\/a>J.-D. Dessimoz et Patrick Valsecchi, \u00ab\u00a0\u00c9changes de donn\u00e9es techniques et bus de terrain – \u00c9tude de cas: int\u00e9gration d’une station de vision dans une ligne de production industrielle\u00a0\u00bb, Journ\u00e9e d’information \u201cLes r\u00e9seaux de terrain\u201d organis\u00e9e par le CETT (Centre d’\u00e9tudes et de transferts technologiques), Y-Parc (Parc scientifique et technologique), Yverdon, 5 septembre 1996<\/p>\n\n\n\n

<\/a>A. Hennard and J.-D. Dessimoz, \u00ab\u00a0Calage visuel de rotatives d’imprimantes\u00a0\u00bb, Visions, Revue scientifique de l’\u00c9cole d’Ing\u00e9nieurs de l’\u00c9tat de Vaud (EINEV), No 2, Yverdon, CH, Juin 1996<\/p>\n\n\n\n

F. Rahali, J.-D. Dessimoz, C. Hlavac, \u00ab\u00a0Syst\u00e8mes d’\u00e9valuation de position 2D et de poursuite d’objets\u00a0\u00bb, Visions, Revue scientifique de l’Ecole d’Ing\u00e9nieurs de l’Etat de Vaud (EINEV), No 1, Yverdon, CH, pp. 51-58, nov. 1995<\/p>\n\n\n\n

<\/a>J.-D. Dessimoz , A. Beran, S. Ernst, O. Olmo and L. Venries, \u00ab\u00a0Diverses approches pour automatiser les t\u00e2ches d\u2019assemblage; application \u00e0 la prise et mise en pile de boites de films\u00a0\u00bb, Visions, Revue scientifique de l’\u00c9cole d’Ing\u00e9nieurs de l’\u00c9tat de Vaud (EINEV), No 1, Yverdon, CH, pp35-43, nov. 1995<\/p>\n\n\n\n

<\/a>J.-D. Dessimoz, \u00ab\u00a0Quantitative Assessment and Economical Evaluation of Information and Knowledge\u00a0\u00bb, Actes du Colloque International Economie de l\u2019Information, ENSSIB (Ecole Nationale Sup\u00e9rieure des Sciences de l\u2019Information et des Biblioth\u00e8ques), Lyon, France, 10-12 Mai, 1995, pp. 185-200.<\/p>\n\n\n\n

<\/a>J.-D. Dessimoz, M. Esposito, M. Pini, Y. Blanc and A. Kaelin, \u00ab\u00a0Kinematic and geometric model of human lower limbs as a predictive tool for corrective surgery in the case of psycho-motory disorders\u00a0\u00bb, 3rd European Conference on Engineering and Medicine, Florence, Italy, April 30th-May 3rd, 1995.<\/p>\n\n\n\n

<\/a>J.-D. Dessimoz, C. Meyer, J. Petter, Y. Blanc and A. Kaelin, \u00ab\u00a0Kinematic and geometric model of human lower limbs\u00a0\u00bb, Muba, 25th Inventors Exhibition, Basel, Switzerland, March 17-26, 1995 (incl. poster, vid\u00e9o and accomp. printed material; winner of Silver Award).<\/p>\n\n\n\n

<\/a>F. Rahali, J.-D. Dessimoz, C. Hlavac, J.-D. Chatelain, L. Lema\u00eetre and D. Mlynek, \u201cVersatile 2D-Position Estimating and Seeking Systems\u00a0\u00bb, Proc. Mechatronics ’94, International Symposium on Automotive Technology and Automation (ISATA), Aachen, Germany, Oct. 31- Nov. 4, 1994.<\/p>\n\n\n\n

<\/a>R. Kelley, H. Martins, J. Birk and J.-D. Dessimoz, \u00ab\u00a0Three Vision Algorithms for Acquiring Workpieces from Bins\u00a0\u00bb (invited paper), in Selected Papers on Industrial Machine Vision Systems, SPIE Milestone Series, B. G. Batchelor and P. F. Whelan Eds, SPIE Press, USA, pp. 497-514, 1994.<\/p>\n\n\n\n

<\/a>J.-D. Dessimoz, A. Beran, S. Ernst, O. Olmo and L. Venries, \u201cTwo Antinomical Methods For Automatically Solving Assembly Tasks; Case of Picking and Stacking Film Cans\u00a0\u00bb, Proc. 1994 Latsis Conference: From Perception to Action (Per’Ac), at EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland, Sept. 4-9, published by IEEE Comp. Soc., New York, 1994 (winner of Robot Contest).<\/p>\n\n\n\n

<\/a>J.-D. Dessimoz, S. Ernst, and L. Venries, \u201cPicking and Stacking Film Cans; Case A: Robot with vision\u201d, Videotape (10 min.) and Accompanying document for Videotape, 1994 Latsis Conference: From Perception to Action (Per’Ac), at EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland, Sept. 4-9, published by EPFL\/LAMI, 1994.<\/p>\n\n\n\n

<\/a>J.-D. Dessimoz and Giovanni Mele, \u201cPerformance assessment of cognitive systems; case of elementary mobile robots\u201d, Proc. ECAI 94, 11th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Amsterdam, 7-12 Aug., A. Cohn. ed., John Wiley & Sons, New York, pp. 689-693, 1994 .<\/p>\n\n\n\n

<\/a>J.-D. Dessimoz, \u00ab\u00a0Dialogue Homme-Robot: Exp\u00e9rience avec Divers Modes d’Interaction, Standards ou Originaux\u00a0\u00bb, Progr. europ. COMETT: Robotique et Ergonomie, et Congr\u00e8s bisannuel de la SELF (Soci\u00e9t\u00e9 d’Ergonomie de langue fran\u00e7aise), Gen\u00e8ve, 21-22 Sept.1993, pp. 7.<\/p>\n\n\n\n

<\/a>T. Pun, S. Gil, M. Lefebvre, R. Milanese, C. Baur, M.-A. Glassey, E. Natonek, C. Burckhardt, J.-D. Dessimoz, \u00ab\u00a0Computer Interpretation of Complex Tridimensional Scenes, with Application to Visual Guidance of Industrial Robots\u00a0\u00bb, Proc. National Research Program 23 – Symp. on Artificial Intelligence and Robotics, Technopark Z\u00fcrich, Oct. 22, 1993, pp. 85-99.<\/p>\n\n\n\n

<\/a>J.-D. Dessimoz, \u00ab\u00a0Proposition de d\u00e9finitions et d’une m\u00e9trique pour les sciences cognitives\u00a0\u00bb, Actes du Congr\u00e8s bisannuel de l’AFCET (Assoc. fran\u00e7aise des sciences et technol. de l’inform. et des syst.), Versailles, France, 8-10 Juin 1993.<\/p>\n\n\n\n

<\/a>M. Lefebvre, S. Gil, C. Baur, J.-D. Dessimoz, T. Pun, \u00a0\u00bb The Potato Operation: Computer Vision for Agricultural Robotics and Quality Control\u00a0\u00bb, Proc. 4th Int. Symp. on Fruit, Nut & Vegetable Production Eng., Valencia, Spain, March 21-27, 1993.<\/p>\n\n\n\n

<\/a>J.-D. Dessimoz, P.-A. Sch\u00fcpbach, A. Mercier and T. Pun, \u00ab\u00a0Choosing a robot versus another automated system\u00a0\u00bb, Proc. 23rd Intern. Symp. on Industr. Robots (ISIR’92), Barcelona, Spain, Oct.1992.<\/p>\n\n\n\n

<\/a>J.-D. Dessimoz, P.-A. Sch\u00fcpbach, A. Mercier and T. Pun, \u00ab\u00a0Do I need a robot or a nonrobot automated system?\u00a0\u00bb, Proc. IEEE\/Rob. Soc. of Japan Conf. on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS’92), Raleigh, North Carolina, USA, July 7-10, 1992.<\/p>\n\n\n\n

<\/a>J.-D. Dessimoz, \u00ab\u00a0Towards a Theory of Knowledge\u00a0\u00bb, Proc.3rd Ann. Conf. of the Swiss Group for Artificial Intelligence and Cognitive Sciences ( SGAICO’91), Inst. for Informatics and Applied Mathematics, Univ. of Bern, Switzerland, Vol. IAM-91-004, pp. 60-71, March 1992.<\/p>\n\n\n\n

<\/a>Thierry Pun, Marc Lefebvre, Sylvia Gil, Denis Brunet, J.-D. Dessimoz and Paul Gugerli, \u00ab\u00a0The Potato Operation: Computer Vision for Agricultural Robotics\u00a0\u00bb, Proc. SPIE Conference on Advances in Intelligent Robotic Systems: High-speed architectures and systems in machine vision, Boston, USA, Nov. 10-15, 1991.<\/p>\n\n\n\n

<\/a>J.-D. Dessimoz, \u00ab\u00a0Towards a Theory of Knowledge\u00a0\u00bb, SGAICO Conf., Swiss Group for Artificial Intelligence and Cognitive Science, Bienne, Oct. 10-11, 1991.<\/p>\n\n\n\n

<\/a>J.-D. Dessimoz, \u00ab\u00a0Knowledge in formulas\u00a0\u00bb, SGAICO Newsletter, SI Information, Soc. Suisse des Informaticiens, Z\u00fcrich, Aug. 1991.<\/p>\n\n\n\n

<\/a>T. Pun and J.-D. Dessimoz, \u00ab\u00a0Computer interpretation of complex tridimensional scenes, with application to the visual guidance of industrial robots\u00a0\u00bb, National Research Program NFP\/PNR 23 – Artificial Intelligence and Robotics, Program Status Report 2, Bern, July 1, 1991.<\/p>\n\n\n\n

<\/a>M. Lefebvre, J.-D. Dessimoz, P. Gugerli, T. Pun, \u00ab\u00a0Potato Operation\u00a0\u00bb, Computer Vision Workshop, SGAICO’90, Swiss Group for Artificial Intelligence and Cognitive Sciences, Geneva, Oct. 2-3, 1990.<\/p>\n\n\n\n

<\/a>T. Pun and J.-D. Dessimoz, \u00ab\u00a0Computer interpretation of complex tridimensional scenes, with application to the visual guidance of industrial robots\u00a0\u00bb, National Research Program NFP\/PNR 23, Program Status Report 1, Bern, June 19, 1990.<\/p>\n\n\n\n

<\/a>Jean-Daniel Dessimoz, \u00e9diteur, \u00ab\u00a0Intelligence Artificielle et Robotique\u00a0\u00bb, Actes de la Conf. Intelligence Artificielle et Robotique du 22-23 Nov. 1988, DIP-Valais et Fondation Dalle Molle, Sion, Juin 1989, pp200.<\/p>\n\n\n\n

<\/a>J.-D. Dessimoz, \u00ab\u00a0Robotique: Etat actuel\u00a0\u00bb, Conf. Intelligence Artificielle et Robotique, DIP-Valais et Fondation Dalle Molle, Sion, 22-23 Nov. 1988.<\/p>\n\n\n\n

<\/a>J.-D. Dessimoz, \u00ab\u00a0Robotics and Artificial Intelligence at EINEV\u00a0\u00bb, SGAICO annual conference, poster session, Bern, Oct. 5, 1988.<\/p>\n\n\n\n

<\/a>J.-D. Dessimoz, M. Solbes, O. Parriaux, and T. Edye, \u00ab\u00a0A New Technique (SGM) for the Automatic Assembly of Electro-optical Components\u00a0\u00bb, Proc. International Electronic Manufacturing Technology Symp., IEEE, Anaheim, California, Oct. 12-14 1987.<\/p>\n\n\n\n

<\/a>J.-D. Dessimoz, \u00ab\u00a0Les robots industriels dans la manutention et l’assemblage\u00a0\u00bb, La Revue Polytechnique, No 1477, Geneva, Switzerland,, Juin 1986, pp649-655.<\/p>\n\n\n\n

<\/a>.-D. Dessimoz, \u00ab\u00a0Naissance et \u00e9volution de la robotique industrielle\u00a0\u00bb, La Revue Polytechnique, No 1475, Geneva, Switzerland, Avril 1986, pp423-427.<\/p>\n\n\n\n

<\/a>J.-D. Dessimoz, \u00ab\u00a0Artificial Vision for Industrial Robots\u00a0\u00bb, invited author, in the book Applications in Artificial Intelligence, S.J. Andriole Ed., Petrocelli Books, Princeton, New-Jersey, 1985, pp353-369.<\/p>\n\n\n\n

J.-D. Dessimoz, \u00ab\u00a0Evaluation de Rentabilit\u00e9 en Automation Industrielle\u00a0\u00bb, M\u00e9moire de MBA, Univ. de Lausanne, Ecole des HEC, Avril 1985, pp49.<\/p>\n\n\n\n

<\/a>J.-D. Dessimoz, J. Birk, R. Kelley, H. Martins and Chih-Lin I, \u00ab\u00a0Matched Filters for Bin Picking\u00a0\u00bb, IEEE Trans. on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, vol PAMI-6, No 6, New-York, Nov 1984, pp.686-697.<\/p>\n\n\n\n

<\/a>J.-D. Dessimoz, \u00ab\u00a0Robots Industriels pour la Manutention et l’Assemblage\u00a0\u00bb, Journ\u00e9es de l’ASSPA, Lausanne, 10 sept. 1984.<\/p>\n\n\n\n

<\/a>J.-D. Dessimoz and P. Kammenos, \u00ab\u00a0Software or Hardware for Robot Vision\u00a0\u00bb, in the book Artificial Vision for Robots, I. Aleksander Ed., Kogan Page Ltd, London, 1983, (ISBN 0 85038 757-41).<\/p>\n\n\n\n

<\/a>F. de Coulon, M. Unser, P. Kammenos, J.-M. Zurcher, and J.-D. Dessimoz, \u00ab\u00a0Konzepte f\u00fcr die Lokalisierung, Identifikation und Inspektion industrieller Produkte\u00a0\u00bb, Technische Rundschau, Z\u00fcrich, No 34, 23 Aug. 1983, pp25-30.<\/p>\n\n\n\n

<\/a>R. Kelley, H. Martins, J. Birk and J.-D. Dessimoz, \u00ab\u00a0Three Vision Algorithms for Acquiring Workpieces from Bins\u00a0\u00bb (invited paper),Proceedings of the IEEE, vol 71, No 7, July 1983, New York, pp803-820.<\/p>\n\n\n\n

<\/a>J.-D. Dessimoz, \u00ab\u00a0Sens Visuel des Robots\u00a0\u00bb, Bull. de l’Ass. Suisse des Electr.\/UCS, N0 9, 7 mai 1983, Z\u00fcrich, Switzerland, pp458-464.<\/p>\n\n\n\n

G. Lemay and J.-D. Dessimoz, \u00ab\u00a0Recovery of gray scaled images from contour processed representations,\u00a0\u00bb ICASSP ’83. IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, Boston, USA, April 14-16 1983, pp. 116-117, doi: 10.1109\/ICASSP.1983.1172226.<\/p>\n\n\n\n

<\/a>J.-D. Dessimoz, \u00ab\u00a0Sens Visuel pour Robots Industriels\u00a0\u00bb, Journ\u00e9es de l’ASE, EPF, Lausanne, 8 mars 1983.<\/p>\n\n\n\n

<\/a>-coauteur du livre \u00ab\u00a0Le Point en Robotique\u00a0\u00bb, Vol 1, J.-C. Pruvost coordonnateur, Ed. Lavoisier, Paris, Janvier 1983, pp207.<\/p>\n\n\n\n

— Cr\u00e9ation du LaRA \u00e0 Yverdon-les-Bains —-

<\/a>J.-D. Dessimoz, \u00ab\u00a0Feeding Workpieces from Bins\u00a0\u00bb, Annual ASME symposium, Washington DC, Sept. 15, 1982. (Invited panelist on the topic: \u00ab\u00a0Robotics in Industry\u201d).<\/p>\n\n\n\n

<\/a>R. Kelley, J. Birk, J.-D. Dessimoz, H. Martins and R. Tella, \u00ab\u00a0Forging: Feasable Robotics Techniques\u00a0\u00bb, 12th Int. Symp. on Ind. Robots, Paris, June 9-11, 1982, pp 59-66.<\/p>\n\n\n\n

<\/a>J.-D. Dessimoz, J. Birk, R. Kelley and A. Beckwith, \u00ab\u00a0Between Bins and Goalsites: Workpiece Pose Estimation\u00a0\u00bb, Proc. 3rd Int. Conf. on Automatic Assembly, IPA, Stuttgart, Germany, May 25-27, 1982, pp603-614.<\/p>\n\n\n\n

<\/a>S. Parthasarathy, J. Birk and J.-D. Dessimoz, \u00ab\u00a0Laser Rangefinder for Robot Control and Inspection\u00a0\u00bb, Technical Symposium East ’82, Soc. of Photo-optical Instr. Eng. (SPIE) and IEEE Computer Society, Proc. Vol. 336, Robot Vision, Washington DC, May 6, 1982.<\/p>\n\n\n\n

<\/a>J.-D. Dessimoz and P. Kammenos, \u00ab\u00a0Software or Hardware for Robot Vision\u00a0\u00bb, invited authors, Digital Systems for Industrial Automation, Crane, Russak & Co., New-York, Vol 1,No. 2\/3, 1982, pp143-160.<\/p>\n\n\n\n

<\/a>Birk, J R; Kelley, R B; Dessimoz, J-D, \u00ab Visual Control for Robot Handling of Unoriented Parts. \u00bb in \u00ab\u00a0Techniques & Applic. of Image Understand.\u00a0\u00bb. Vol. 281, pp. 169-175, 1981<\/p>\n\n\n\n

<\/a>J.-D. Dessimoz, J. Birk, R. Kelley and J. Hall,\u00a0\u00bbA Vision System with Splitting Bus\u00a0\u00bb, Proc. of IEEE Computer Soc. Workshop on Computer Architecture for Pattern Analysis and Image Database Management, Hot Springs, Virginia, Nov. 11-13,1981.<\/p>\n\n\n\n

<\/a>J. Birk, J.-D. Dessimoz and R. Kelley, \u00ab\u00a0General Methods to enable robots with vision to acquire, orient, and transport workpieces\u00a0\u00bb, 9th NSF Grantees’ Conf. on Production Research and Technology, Ann Arbor, Michigan, Nov. 2-4, 1981.<\/p>\n\n\n\n

<\/a>J.-D. Dessimoz, J. Birk and R. Kelley, \u00ab\u00a0Integrated Robot Systems for Feeding Parts from Bins\u00a0\u00bb, 11th Intern. Symp. on Industr. Robots, Tokyo, Japan, Oct. 7-9, 1981.<\/p>\n\n\n\n

<\/a>T. Widmann, G. Brandon, A. Righetti and J.-D. Dessimoz, \u00ab\u00a0Statistical Processing of Cardiac Isotopic Images\u00a0\u00bb, Frontiers of Computers in Medicine, COMPMED 81, Houston, Texas, Sept. 81.<\/p>\n\n\n\n

<\/a>J.-D. Dessimoz, \u00ab\u00a0Contour Processing in Visual Pattern Recognition; Application to Robotics\u00a0\u00bb, Signal Processing, North-Holland, The Netherlands, Vol. 3, No 2, l981.<\/p>\n\n\n\n

<\/a>J. Birk, R. Kelley and J.-D. Dessimoz, \u00ab\u00a0Visual Control for Robot Handling of unoriented Parts,\u00a0\u00bb Proc. SPIE Technical Symp. East ’81, Washington, D.C., April 20-24, l981, paper no. 281-23.<\/p>\n\n\n\n

<\/a>T. Widmann, G. Brandon, J.-D. Dessimoz, and A. Righetti, \u00ab\u00a0A New Method of Contrast Enhancement and Image Analysis in Gated Cardiac Isotopic Studies,\u00a0\u00bb Int. Congress on Medical Informatics, Strasbourg, France, April l981.<\/p>\n\n\n\n

<\/a>R. Kelley, J. Birk, J.-D. Dessimoz, H. Martins and R. Tella, \u00ab\u00a0Acquiring Connecting Rod Castings using a Robot with Vision and Sensors,\u00a0\u00bb Proc. of First Intern. Conf. on Robot Vision and Sensory Controls, Stratford-upon-Avon, U.K., April 1-3, 1981, pp 169-178.<\/p>\n\n\n\n

<\/a>J.-D. Dessimoz, R. Kelley and J. Birk, \u00ab\u00a0Advances in Robotics in Europe\u00a0\u00bb, WESTEC’81, Robotics Intern. of SME, Los Angeles, Calif., March 23-26, l981, Paper No. MS81-278, pp12.<\/p>\n\n\n\n

<\/a>J. Birk, J.-D. Dessimoz and R. Kelley, \u00ab\u00a0General Methods to enable robots with vision to acquire, orient, and transport workpieces\u00a0\u00bb, 8th NSF Grantees’ Conf. on Production Research and Technology, Stanford, Calif., Jan. 27-29, 1981, pp 111-117.<\/p>\n\n\n\n

\u201cFORGING INTO THE FUTURE, An Assessment of Robots with Vision\u201d , video of General Electric, for a Study done at the University of Rhode Island, by the Robot Research Group (J. Birk, R. Kelley, J.-D. Dessimoz, H. Martins, R. Tella, et al. ) , Spring 1981, USA, 7.5 min. ; initially 16mm film, then digitized;  https:\/\/jd.dessimoz.org\/public\/p\/LaRA\/1981 Forging into the Future.mp4<\/a>  last accessed Sept. 1, 2021.<\/p>\n\n\n\n

<\/a>T. Widmann, G. Brandon, J.-D. Dessimoz, and A. Righetti, \u00ab\u00a0Image Enhancement Procedure in Gated Cardiac Isotopic Studies,\u00a0\u00bb Proc. of the seventh Annual Meeting for Computers in Cardiology, Williamsburg, Virginia, Oct. 22-24, 1980.<\/p>\n\n\n\n

<\/a>J.-D. Dessimoz, \u00ab\u00a0Traitement de Contours en Reconnaissance de Formes Visuelles: Application \u00e0 la Robotique\u00a0\u00bb, Th\u00e8se de Doctorat, Ecole Polytechnique F\u00e9d\u00e9rale de Lausanne, Sept. l980, pp150. Th\u00e8se (pdf, 3.9 Mb)<\/a> et Infos at EPFL<\/a><\/p>\n\n\n\n

<\/a>T. Widmann, J.-D. Dessimoz and G. Brandon, \u00ab\u00a0Image Processing in Nuclear Cardiology\u00a0\u00bb, Lausanne, Switzerland, Sept. 1980.<\/p>\n\n\n\n

J.-D. Dessimoz, \u00ab\u00a0Sampling and Smoothing Curves in Digitized Pictures\u00a0\u00bb, (Tutorial), First European Signal Processing Conf., Lausanne, Sept. 16-19, 1980, pp157-167.<\/p>\n\n\n\n

<\/a>M. Kunt, F. de Coulon, J.-D. Dessimoz, P. Kammenos and J.-M. Zurcher, \u00ab\u00a0Vision et Reconnaissance des Pi\u00e8ces Plates\u00a0\u00bb, Comptes-rendus du Carrefour sur la Robotique Industrielle, Inst. Nat. des Sciences Appliqu\u00e9es de Lyon, 12-13 Juin 1980, pp12.<\/p>\n\n\n\n

<\/a>J.-D. Dessimoz, \u00ab\u00a0Classement de Pi\u00e8ces Industrielles par Analyse d’Images\u00a0\u00bb, Colloque de l’Ecole de Physique et de l’Industrie Genevoise, Gen\u00e8ve, Suisse, 14 Mars, 1980.<\/p>\n\n\n\n

<\/a>J.-D. Dessimoz, \u00ab\u00a0Specialized Edge-trackers for Contour Extraction from Digitized Pictures\u00a0\u00bb, Signal Processing, Vol. 2, North-Holland, The Netherlands, Jan. 1980, pp.71-73.<\/p>\n\n\n\n

<\/a>J.-D. Dessimoz, \u00ab\u00a0Curve Smoothing for Improved Feature Extraction from Digitized Pictures\u00a0\u00bb, Signal Processing, Vol. 1, No. 3, North-Holland, The Netherlands, July 1979, pp.205-210.<\/p>\n\n\n\n

<\/a>J.-D. Dessimoz, M. Kunt, G.H. Granlund and J.-M. Zurcher, \u00ab Recognition and Handling of Overlapping Parts \u00bb, Proc. 9th Intern. Symp. on Industrial Robots, Washington DC, USA, March 1979, pp. 357-366; incl. following video. Click here to download<\/a> the paper (pdf, 2.65 Mb), last accessed Oct. 20, 2021.<\/p>\n\n\n\n

Jean-Daniel Dessimoz and Eric Gruaz, \u201cRobot with Vision for the Recognition and Localization of Industrial Mechanical Parts\u201d , videos,  1979, Signal Processing Lab (LTS), Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (EPFL), Lausanne, Switzerland; initially 16mm film (as presented at 9th ISIR, Washington), then 8mm, and finally digitized in 3 videos: part 1, part 2, and integrated version consisting in parts 1 and 2, as follows:<\/p>\n\n\n\n